
Showing posts from January, 2020

Zen Garden

Full details is an ever-growing collection of poetry , haiku , photography , fiction , and other art about gardens and gardeners.  We also present famous gardens, both ancient and modern, alongside visits to the wonderful gardens of our members and contributors. Like a good garden, our features change with the seasons, and offer something for everyone to enjoy.  Our writing contests have become popular with writers from all over the world.  These contests are open to all ages and foster a deep appreciation of the natural world, while allowing writers to make their work known to a wide audience.  Our prestigious judges select the Grand Prize winners, and give feedback; there is also a public voting segment which introduces thousands of readers to our stories, and allows a second path to winning! Explore all our pages, and enjoy!

Mellon Science Fellowship

More details Kenyon College invites applications for the Mellon Science Writing Fellowship. This two-year fellowship offers a qualified individual time to develop as a writer and teacher. The fellow will also contribute to the evolution of the emerging, interdisciplinary science writing program at Kenyon. Fellows are expected to: undertake a significant science writing project, participate in ongoing conversations about science writing at Kenyon, teach one class per semester, and participate in the intellectual and cultural life of the college.  The fellowship provides an annual stipend, plus health benefits. Applicants are expected to have prior teaching experience, a record of publication, and an MFA, Masters in Science Writing, PhD, or other relevant graduate degree. One purpose of the fellowship is to help launch the careers of science writers who are relatively recently graduated from professional degree programs. This is a pivotal juncture for Kenyon’s in...


Full details Write Now Philly is seeking book reviews and articles about writing and of interest to the literary community. Please see below for more details and pay rates. We would like to support the local writing community and prefer reviews and articles written by people who live in the Philadelphia area. Book reviews: We seek reviews of books that fit one of the following two categories: 1) Written by a Philadelphia-area author; 2) About a topic of particular interest to Philadelphia-area readers. Reviewers who have not been published with us before can contact to let us know of their interest in reviewing. Please use the subject line: New Reviewer and tell us (briefly) about your qualifications and publications and include a link to any prior published review. Also tell us what your connection is to the Philadelphia area. Once you have already published a review with us, you can email any time you are interested in review...

Deadstar Publishing

Full details We publish short story compilations, novels, comics and graphic novels and accept submissions for all of these things. Our focus is on horror, fantasy, modern fantasy, historical fantasy and science fiction and submissions should be sent to Below are our guidelines for artists, authors and teams as well as a breakdown on what we like to see in a submission. If we decide to take a piece we will issue a contract to all parties who will be involved in the production of a work, and payment is usually made on a royalties system with pay-outs in January and July of each year. We’ve been asked many times over the years so feel it is worth clarifying: we are not a vanity press and will not charge creators to publish their works. For pieces that we choose to publish we cover all overheads including editing, production, distribution and marketing (though with the nature of marketing these days, creators who a...

Stories Everywhere

Full details Each month we invite you to post a story on Twitter using #GWstorieseverywhere for a chance to win a free class. Your story must be no longer than 25 words, with a max of 280 characters, including spaces and the hashtag #GWstorieseverywhere. Your stories (which can be true or made up) will be inspired by what you see, know, or do, and they should relate in some way to monthly "themes". See the site for details. 

Sunlight Press

Full details If you’re interested in writing for The Sunlight Press , send a completed piece to  Please see guidelines below. Additional information is published in a June 2018 Q&A with editors at the “Six Questions For…” editors blog. Read more here . What are we looking for? The Sunlight Press  considers submissions within the following categories: Personal Essays : 750-1,000 words Fiction : Includes flash fiction and short stories. Under 1,000 words for flash fiction; under 2,000 words for short stories Poetry: Up to five poems in one submission (Please note: we are currently closed to poetry during November. We will reopen to submissions Dec. 1. ) Reviews : Review of books, short story collections, and essay collections; 750-1,000 words Artists on Craft Series : Interviews/Reflections by artists on their process of the art of choice (accompanying photos welcome); under 1,000 words Photography

Stepaway Magazine

Full details StepAway Magazine is an award-winning online literary magazine which publishes the best urban flash fiction and poetry by writers from across the globe. The title of the magazine draws inspiration from Frank O’ Hara’s landmark flâneur poem, “A Step Away from Them”. Our magazine is hungry for literature that evokes the sensory experience of walking in specific neighborhoods, districts or zones within a city. This is flânerie for the twenty-first century. Our writers lead our readership through the streets of his or her chosen city. They do so in one thousand words or less. Send one story or poem at a time. All submissions should be contained within the body of the email. No attachments please .  Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Due to the volume of submissions we now receive, we only respond to those that we accept. We aim to notify authors of successful submissions within 28 days. We accept/reject on a rolling basis. Writers should submit ...

Short Fiction

Full details We look forward to reading your work. From 2019, we will be publishing one story per month as our Featured piece. We will also periodically seek to publish one story in a new section - "Introducing" - which will be a showcase for excellent new writers; that is, writers for whom this is their first published piece. In both cases we are looking for the best, carefully crafted, deeply considered work. ​ There are no submission fees, but you can opt to pay for a critique (see here ), which supports our future existence. We're also deeply grateful for metaphorical coffees bought at our Ko-Fi page and every small PayPal donation. The Short Fiction team are all volunteers. We aim to read and respond to all submissions within two months.


Full details The Reflex Fiction flash fiction contest is always open for entries. On the web site you’ll find the important dates for the flash fiction contest that’s currently open for entries . Entries must be received before midnight UK time at the end of the closing date shown. Entries that miss the deadline will roll over to the next competition.

Paragraph Planet

Full details  Submit your story Your submission can be a short story, an extract from a novel or the capturing of a moment. The main rule is that it needs to be EXACTLY 75 words long including the title. (All submissions are formatted as one paragraph - see the home page - so it helps if you submit that way.)

Noir Nation

Full details Do you charge a reading fee? Never. Do you pay writers? Always. Not much. But always. What are you looking for? We are looking for crime fiction that makes us forget that we are reading. Do you accept previously published work? We prefer previously unpublished work but do make exceptions for work that has appeared in languages other than English or as a chapter of novel or in a single-author collection of short fiction or poetry. We also make exceptions for works of nonfiction, journalistic or academic that were published in outlets of general interest, that is, not a crime fiction magazine or anthology.


Full details There is no set word limit , but if sending short pieces (poems or flash fiction) we’d prefer to see several at once rather than just one. We prefer darker pieces, especially those with an element of the surreal or speculative, but are open to anything and like to be surprised. Images, comics, and graphic poems are also welcome, as are self-contained extracts. If you have any doubts about whether something is suitable, go ahead and send it anyway. Themes Alternate issues of the magazine are themed.

Middle House Review

Full details MIDDLE HOUSE REVIEW IS A NEW ONLINE MAGAZINE THAT PRODUCES TWO ISSUES A YEAR. WE ALSO PRODUCE A PRINT ANTHOLOGY OF THE YEAR’S WORK. All accepted work appears in our print anthology. ​ Pay is $25 per acceptance. ​ We accept poetry, fiction, and flash fiction.  ​ For Poetry send 3-5 poems. For Fiction no more than 7000 words. For Flash 2000 words or under; you can send multiple pieces in this category as long as you stay under 2000 words.  ​ Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please withdraw your work from our queue the minute you accept publication elsewhere. ​ Query after 60 days but know if we haven't responded in the first 60 days we are most likley holding your submission over for the next issue. ​ Middle House Review acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we accept in our magazine. All rights revert back to the author upon publication but we retain the right to promote the works we've accepted a...


Full details We began as a free print pamphlet featuring just one short story fifteen ago, then a pocket-sized monthly magazine—still free—with a handful of short stories and the occasional spot of nonfiction and poetry, published according to theme , for the reading pleasure of London commuters. Today Litro is one of the largest read literary and short stories magazine in the UK. The online platform accompanies the monthly print edition, and is now a fully-fledged literary and creative arts platform a place for readers, writers and the broader creative community to discuss various aspects of literature, fiction, arts & culture through features, reviews, non themed fiction, interviews, columns and more. All these forms have the capacity to uplift and transport us. We aim to discover new emerging writers and give them a platform to be read alongside stalwarts of the literary scene. You can submit your work to any of our platforms:  Litro Magazine , Litro Onlin...

Flash Fiction Online

Full details Flash Fiction Online is an open-genre publication and is currently OPEN to all submission categories.  Please no erotica, graphic sex, or egregious violence.  We also frown on the gratuitous use of expletives. Flash Fiction Online accepts REPRINTS.  Please submit in the REPRINT category.  Payment is $.02 (two cents) per word.  All other guidelines apply. Flash Fiction Online strives to publish fiction that presents the full variety of humanity in its pages. As such, we encourage submissions from writers of every stripe. What are we looking for? We consider flash fiction a complete story in a tiny package.  We want developed empathetic characters and discernible, resolved plots.  Please no non-fiction or poetry. ALERTS: Open Office or Libre Office users :  Due to an incompatibility issue, when an Open Office or Libre Office file is converted to a .doc file the last line of text disappears in our Submittable Do...

Everyday Fiction

Full details Every Day Fiction is looking for very short (flash) fiction, of up to 1000 words. There’s no such thing as too short — if you can do the job in 50 words, have at it! — but our readers prefer pieces that tell or at least hint at a complete story (some sort of action or tension rising to a moment of climax, and at least a clue toward a resolution, though it doesn’t have to be all spelled out). All fiction genres are acceptable, and stories that don’t fit neatly into any genre are welcome too. While personal experiences and other non-fiction can be great sources of inspiration, please turn them into fiction for us, or send them elsewhere. Our readership is adult, so children’s stories are unlikely to be accepted unless they are relevant to adults as well. On the other hand, we are not impressed by gratuitous sex and violence, or pointlessly foul language; edgy content should be necessary and appropriate to the plot and characters. It ought to go without say...


Full details What we want and don't want Empyreome is seeking original works of short fiction up to 10,000 words (<7,000 preferred). Stories with 1,000 words or fewer will be considered for our Weekly Flash series. We prefer science fiction and fantasy, but we will consider any story with a speculative element, including slipstream and well-written horror. We like stories in which interesting people do interesting things and make interesting things happen. We do not like stories in which flat characters are merely acted upon by forces beyond their control, and nothing interesting happens. If your story includes profanity, sexual situations, or violence, these elements should be essential to the story. Please do not send stories that glorify violence, use profanity without purpose, or depict graphic sexual scenes. ...

Dream Portal

Full details What Are We Looking For (When we are Looking)? By Tithi Luadthong Positive stories demonstrating the triumph of the human spirit and the power of hope and humane values in overcoming the most daunting challenges. We are interested in all SF and Fantasy genres, but no horror please. No to Pollyannish and Utopian simplicity. Yes to communities and teams working together to overcome dire challenges. Yes to marginalized and under-represented characters as protagonists. Yes to science and magic that solve problems, alleviate suffering, and boldly explore new possibilities. No to corrupt, dystopian governments or evil corporations. Tone down the violence, profanity, and sex. It’s only useful if the story demands it. Story Length Shorter is better! By iurii We need works 5,000 words and under. If you submit a story over 5,000 words, it has to be amazing to get very far in the review process. Overall, we will consider the following word counts: Flash...

No Brow

Full details Please read the guidelines below carefully to avoid ineligibility and to maximise your chances of working with us. In general, there are three golden rules that you should follow: Know what you want from us. We are a publisher, not an illustration agency! You should have a specific type of work collaboration in mind when you submit work to us. In other words: would you like to submit a picture book for consideration? Or perhaps a graphic novel? Or maybe a non-fiction picture book for children? Whatever it is you submit, make sure it is in line with something that we actually do. Be clear and concise. We have to sift through a lot of submissions, so please try to be clear and to the point in your pitch, whatever it may be. If you have a long manuscript or a long form graphic novel to submit, or even a completed picture book – that is fine, please send it in attachment. However, in your email please provide us with a brief summary and overview of your ...

Tell-tale Publishing

Full details What the Editor Wants                  Check Imprints for Content Guidelines          Dahlia : Romance: Romantic Suspense, Gothic Suspense,              Regency, Single Title Contemporary          Stargazer :  Fantasy: Paranormal, High Adventure Fantasy,             Urban Fantasy, Steampunk          Nightshade: Horror          Casablanca: Mystery          Thistle:  Middle School, Young Adult, New Adult            Déjà Vu: Republication from all genres  doc(x) format, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font Submit Query, Synopsis, first three chapters. U...

INtense Publications

Full details Ntense Publications LLC is actively seeking the following:  Middle Grade chapter books of all genres. Corresponding writing resources and activities for literacy education is of particular interest. Young adult of all genres, fiction and nonfiction. Challenges such as disabilities, stereotypes, and bullying are of particular interest.  Children's Picture Books K-12 Educational Resources Self-Help  Fantasy Science Fiction


Full details We're looking for fiction and nonfiction between 1,000 and 6,000 words. Send your submission in the body of a plain text email message to our submissions wrangler (who is not the same person as our editor in chief) at Include the word "Submission" and the title of your submission in your subject line; otherwise, your submission may not make it to our editors. Submissions sent to any other Daikaijuzine address will not be considered. Please read the full guidelines before submitting or before sending inquiries.  Daikaijuzine  has a blind submissions policy; after you submit your manuscript, all identifying information is stripped so that not even our slush readers know who submitted what, until it's time to send a response. Don't forget to log your submission on the Submissions Grinder ! NOTE: SUBMISSIONS SENT AS EMAIL ATTACHMENTS OR LEFT AS COMMENTS ON OUR SITE (yes, this has happened) WILL BE DELETED UNREAD...

Claw and Blossom

Further details


Full details General Submission Guidelines Thank you for your interest in Sequestrum . Please take a moment to familiarize yourself our general guidelines below. When ready to submit, use our online submission manager .  Sequestrum is a competitive, paying market which publishes high-quality short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts on a rolling basis. Recent contributors include Pulitzer Prize nominees, Guggenheim and NEA Fellows, award-winning novelists and poets, as well as many new and emerging voices. We’re committed to publishing the bulk of our publications from unsolicited manuscripts and are open to all stylistic schools and “isms,” including the occasional genre piece. The best way to familiarize yourself with our tastes is to read what we’ve published. Sequestrum offers pay-what-you-can subscriptions : as little as $2.50 gets you access to everything we’ve published and allows you to make free submissions, making it easy for everyone to ...

Sweet Cherry Publishing

Full details We are considering submissions for children’s books! Please bear in mind that we specialise in sets and series, and we are unlikely to take on a book if it is a stand-alone title. We are looking for compelling middle-grade and YA fiction. Please send the first two chapters or 3000 words of your manuscript along with a synopsis, author biography and cover letter to: Please note that we do not accept postal submissions.

Scary Sounds

Full details Opportunities for people of all talents We’re always interested in giving people a leg up where we can. Whether you’re a writer, artist, narrator, or have some other hidden talent that you feel would add value, get in touch with us! A rising tide raises all boats, and all that. Write for The Other Stories! If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 10,000 daily listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we'll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week. UPCOMING THEMES FOR CONSIDERATION: (As voted for on our Facebook group ) (Vol 49.) Silence;  deadline 20th January. (Vol 50.) Parasites;  deadline ...

Bold Play Wanted

Full details Oregon Contemporary Theatre currently accepts script submissions from both playwrights and agents. While taste is ultimately subjective, here are some guidelines that may help determine whether your play is right for us: - As a general rule, we do not currently produce children's theatre, screenplays, one-acts shorter than 90 minutes (full-length plays without intermission are accepted), or collections of one-act plays. - OCT is looking for scripts that fit  our mission . We are eager to produce bold works that challenge and inspire our community, encourage dialogue, and support positive change. We encourage you to explore our  current and  past seasons to give you an indication of the quality of works we are looking for. - OCT also looks for scripts that fit well with our resources. As such, we respond well to works that will play well in an intimate, 3/4-thrust setting, with casts of 10 or fewer. However, your script will not ...

Arc Poetry

Full details Gen­eral Notes Arc has two reading periods: submissions received from April 1 to July 31 will be read for the Winter issue submissions received from   September 1 to December 31 will be read for the Summer issue Arc  does not accept general submissions from January 1 to March 31 and from August 1 to August 31 . Arc  does not accept paper submissions. Submissions received by mail will not be read and will not receive a response. Arc  only accepts sub­mis­sions using the online sub­mis­sion man­ager as seen below. Poetry Submissions Arc  accepts unso­licited sub­mis­sions of pre­vi­ously unpub­lished poetry in English, or translations of poetry into English, on any sub­ject and in any form. Submissions must not exceed 3 poems or 360 lines. Submissions must be typed and sin­gle spaced (dou­ble spaces will be inter­preted as blank lines). Submissions of visual poetry or concrete poetry should be submitted in PDF f...

Write Ahead The Future Looms

Full details Cyberpunk Short-Story Type 1 This is a slot for stories between 750 and 2500 words in length. The payment for this is £0.02 per word and will be rendered in full to the Writer via paypal upon acceptance of our contract for the First World English Rights, Anthology Rights, First World Electronic Rights, Archival Rights and Non Exclusive Reprint rights . A full explanation as to the nature of the rights we require purchase of can be found here . We value stories that are experimental with regard to Narrative Techniques, yet still retain strong character and plot elements . Cyberpunk Short-Story, potential for serial Type 2 This is a slot for stories between 750 and 2500 words in length. The payment for this is £0.02 per word and will be rendered in full to the Writer via paypal upon acceptance of our contract for the First World English Rights, Antholo...

Boulevard Magazine

Full details Accepting submissions from November 1 to May 1 Submit online through Submittable (link below). No email submissions will be read. Include author's name and contact information on all submissions. We allow simultaneous submissions, but please immediately withdraw work that has been accepted elsewhere. We accept multiple submissions but wait at least a month between entries. Work submitted must be previously unpublished, print and online. Authors retain rights to their work from the time of publication in Boulevard. Please no handwritten submissions. Cover letters with previous credits are not required. We accept international subscriptions, for both the general submissions and the contests. Submissions must be in English. Our average response time is four months. Please do not query before then. Send only complete, fully proofread work. We will not consider revisions--this is too difficult administratively for our small staff. Fo...

Raleigh Review

Full details GENERAL SUBMISSIONS Submissions are open January-March for the Fall issue (closed April-May-June) and July-October for the Spring issue (closed November-December). January - March we are open to Short Fiction, Flash Fiction & Poetry July - October we are open to Flash Fiction & Poetry CONTEST SUBMISSIONS Submissions for our Laux/Millar RR Poetry Prize will be open April 1 - May 31. Submissions for our Flash Fiction Prize will be open July 1 - October 31.


Full submissions Want to write for our print magazine? We’re always looking for soulful, surprising, informed journalism in the holistic health, spirituality and sustainability arenas. Please follow our guidelines below then send your submission to our editor — we look forward to reading it! Want to write for We welcome bloggers from all walks of life who are passionate about natural health and wellness. Read our Blog Guidelines to find out more. WellBeing does not accept submissions of a promotional or advertorial nature. It’s our policy not to knowingly accept advertising or editorial for products or companies using questionable ingredients or practices. Read our Advertising Guidelines to find out more. Areas of interest WellBeing is all about improving the quality of your life, the lives of others and the health of the planet. We suggest reading some recent issues of WellBeing before submitting an article as, if you’re unfamiliar wit...