
Showing posts from January, 2024

At Bay Press

  Full details  Submissions At Bay Press is a literary publisher. We are only interested in literary fiction and literary non-fiction—including poetry. We do publish literary mysteries, thrillers, and noir and are interested in quality submissions in the science fiction, fantasy and graphic novel genres as well. At Bay Press will occasionally accept art submissions for our books, should there be a requirement. We also consider black and white art plate submissions for our “From the Heart” series (see “From the Heart” series submission guidelines below). We are interested in seasoned as well as new writers. Our books cover a wide range of subjects and styles, so if you are interested in submitting to us, we recommend you buy/read books published by At Bay Press as well as browse our catalogue of publications. Manuscript Submission Requirements At Bay Press has partnered with CanSubmit. All submissions must be sub...

Brevity Mag

 Full details  Brevity publishes well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750 words or fewer) essay form. We have featured work from Pulitzer prize winners, NEA fellows, Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from India, Egypt, Ireland, Spain, Malaysia, Qatar, and Japan. We have also featured numerous previously-unpublished authors, and take a special joy in helping to launch a new literary career. Over the past year  Brevity  has averaged 10,000 unique visitors per month. Authors are paid a $45 honorarium for featured essays and craft essays.   If you would like to read an interview with our founder and editor-in-chief explaining his view of what makes a piece of flash nonfiction successful, you may do so here at River Teeth . Submissions should be formatted as seen here  (single space, no indentation, one extra space between paragraphs) unless alternate formatting is a specific design ...


 Full details  See site for details 

A Coup of Owls

 Full details  WE ONLY PUBLISH CREATORS FROM UNDER REPRESENTED AND/OR MARGINALISED BACKGROUNDS AND/OR COMMUNITIES We don’t ask for any proof, we take this on trust with the expectation that anyone not from a marginalised background or underrepresented community wouldn’t take up the space of someone who is. We ask you to consider this before submitting. QUARTERLY ONLINE ANTHOLOGY: BRIEF We’re looking for stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We’re looking for stories that make us feel something. Warmth, love, melancholy, rage. We want it all.  All genres, styles and themes will be considered and we especially love stories that are outside the box in their telling. Ambiguous endings? Non-linear storytelling? Antagonist’s point-of-view? A story told in just one scene? We love it all. SUBMISSIONS: CLOSED PLEASE NOTE: We will close submissions early if our cut off point is reached...

Arvon David Pearse Grant

 Full details  Our grant fund is named in affectionate memory of David Pease, Arvon’s National Director from 1973-2000, who ‘grew Arvon from a small charity to a national literature organisation’. David was committed to ensuring an Arvon course should be available to as many people as possible, and it was under his visionary leadership that the grant fund was created. For our online and in-person writing weeks and weekends, we offer a  Low Income Grant. If you couldn’t attend an Arvon course without some financial help, we encourage you to apply. With Low Income Grants, you can apply for any amount up to the full course fee. Arvon Low Income Grants are now available for residential and online courses running  April-June 2024 only.  See our terms and conditions and application form further down this page. Please note that we can now only offer  one grant per person , so if you have received an Arvon Grant in the past, you will be unable to reapply....

Scottish Mountianeering Press

  Full details  Creatives is where Scotland’s artistic and natural spheres meet; where sublime interactions with nature are transformed into works of art. There is no single way to express these profound experiences: dark, light-hearted, intense, humorous; in verse, in paint or on film—they are as diverse as the landscape itself. We welcome works of poetry, prose and visual art from unpublished, emerging and established artists of all backgrounds. ‘Publishing with Creatives has allowed me to show my mountain-related work on a dedicated website which reaches people with a particular interest in the Scottish mountains, but may not usually frequent art galleries.’ — Clare Yarrington (Visual Art | Neach-ealain Lèirsinneach ) * ’S e ùrlar digiteach a th’ann an Creatives airson neach sam bith a tha air luach a lorg ann an iognaidhean nàdarra na h-Alba airson an cuid ealain a chruthachadh; gus an obair sin a roinn, gus obair le muinntir na coimhearsneachd agus gus b...

Lantern Publishing

  Full details  We are always happy to hear from authors or editors who are considering writing a new book. We publish in nursing, health and social care, and our books are generally clear and concise textbooks for undergraduates. However, we also have some books at post-graduate and post-registration level, and we will consider all proposals in the field if we think they fit with our list and we can do justice to them. Lantern provides authors with: individual attention throughout the writing period – the personal attention that only a small committed and knowledgeable team can provide timely publication – typically four months from receipt of manuscript to publication high quality production – we take real pride in our products and understand the value in striving for perfection experience – the Lantern team have spent 35+ years developing, producing and selling nursing, health and social care books for the UK and worldwide market Submitting a proposal ...

Event Magazine

  Full details  What We’re Looking For Fiction: We look for compelling characters and voice, fresh plots, and narratives that move us. Full details and eligibility requirements on Submittable. Poetry: We look for arresting imagery, polished language, emotional impact, and lyricism without pretension. Non-Fiction:  The creative non-fiction we publish mainly comes through our annual  Non-Fiction Contest (October 15 deadline). We look for real-life experiences told as riveting narratives with distinct voices. Reviews: Read sample reviews on our website for an idea of our format and style, and please contact our Reviews Editor before writing or submitting. Your best bet at getting your work published in EVENT? Reading some of our issues. Find the current issue at Chapters/Indigo, libraries or local newsstands. Subscriptions and single issues  in print or digital formats can also be purchased online or through our office. How to Submit EVENT accept...


  Full details  Southword: New International Writing  is a print literary journal published twice a year by the Munster Literature Centre.  Southword  has published the likes of Medbh McGuckian, Helen Ivory, Haruki Murakami, James Lasdun, Kim Addonizio, Tess Gallagher, Colm Tóibín and Vona Groarke. Our summer issue is composed of prizewinning and shortlisted entries from our Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition and Seán Ó Faoláin International Short Story Competition , as well as specially commissioned work.