Scottish Mountianeering Press

 Full details 

Creatives is where Scotland’s artistic and natural spheres meet; where sublime interactions with nature are transformed into works of art. There is no single way to express these profound experiences: dark, light-hearted, intense, humorous; in verse, in paint or on film—they are as diverse as the landscape itself.

We welcome works of poetry, prose and visual art from unpublished, emerging and established artists of all backgrounds.

‘Publishing with Creatives has allowed me to show my mountain-related work on a dedicated website which reaches people with a particular interest in the Scottish mountains, but may not usually frequent art galleries.’ — Clare Yarrington (Visual Art | Neach-ealain Lèirsinneach)


’S e ùrlar digiteach a th’ann an Creatives airson neach sam bith a tha air luach a lorg ann an iognaidhean nàdarra na h-Alba airson an cuid ealain a chruthachadh; gus an obair sin a roinn, gus obair le muinntir na coimhearsneachd agus gus beachdan ùra a spreigeadh. 

Bheir Creatives àite is urram dha còmhradh eadar luchd-ealain agus an saoghal nàdarra; far am bheil luach ga chur air an daimh a th’aig mac an duine ris an àrainneachd gus obair ealain a thoirt gu bith.

Chan eil aon dòigh ann gus na daimhean sònraichte seo a chur an cèill: dorcha, aotrum, dian, èibhinn; ann an rannan, le peant no air fiolm – tha iad cho eadar-dhealaichte ris an tìr fhèin. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air bàrdachd, rosg agus ealain lèirsinneach bho luchd-cruthachail aithnichte agus ùr às a h-uile ceàrnaidh.

Why publish with Creatives?

Since launching in February 2022, we have helped many writers and visual artists realise their artistic visions, and provided them with a platform to showcase their best work to a wide audience.

Central to our publication process is a two-way partnership. Working closely with our Creatives Editor, you will receive a friendly, personal and collaborative editorial experience that is rare in publishing. For writers, this will include rigorous line, structural and copy edits, with suggestions for improving the quality of your work. Visual artists can benefit from having their work showcased on an established platform and support with accompanying narratives.

Above all, our purpose is to encourage artistic longevity, to provide sustainable tools for craft development and, perhaps most importantly, to foster positive relationships with Scotland’s outdoors.

We want to hear your story.

‘Publishing my poems in Creatives allowed me to feel I was still part of a community that loves hill-walking. It helped reinforce for me that it is worthwhile for me to continue to write, whatever challenges my health presents me with.’ — Lindsay Oliver (Poetry)

A few things to note:

  • We welcome great ideas—your work need not be in a publishable state before submission, but should be produced to the best of your ability.
  • We value fresh insights and perspectives, humorous or unconventional narratives, well-developed characters and plots, clarity of purpose—if you want to know what we’re looking for, it’s a good idea to peruse the work already published on Creatives.
  • Submissions cannot have been published before, either in print or online. We require First Serial Rights to publish your work, though copyright reverts to the author upon publication.
  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us straight away if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • We will carefully review each submission and respond to you within two months. Please note that if we don’t take your work forward, we can only offer limited personal feedback.
  • To give equal space to contributors, we ask that artists and writers only submit to Creatives once every six months.
  • For all written works, please use a legible, 12-point font and 1.5 line spacing.


  • Writers can submit up to three works, up to a total word count of 2,500.


  • Writers can submit a maximum of five poems, or six pages—whichever comes first.


  • This genre includes essays, memoirs and interviews. Writers can submit up to three works, up to a total word count of 2,500. Audio interviews must be sent in one of the following formats: MP3, M4A, WAV, AAC, AIFF.


  • This genre includes paintings, photography, photo-essays, illustrations, collages etc. Please submit no more than ten pieces. All works should be attached as high resolution .JPEG files to your email. Please include in the body of your email any text or further relevant information.


  • Short films should not exceed ten minutes, and must be provided as a download link from WeTransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive. Please submit as MP4 or MOV files, and contact us if you have any queries.


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