Rustica Journal
Full details WANT TO BE A PART OF FUTURE RUSTICA EDITIONS? Now’s your chance! We’re accepting submissions for the next edition of RUSTICA. Whether you’re a visual artist or a writer, we want YOU to send us works that you think would suit future releases. If you’re interested, please send .pdfs/.jpgs of your work to . Our team will review your materials and let you know if you’re eligible to be featured. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Rustica is a print and online literary and arts journal. We accept writing from any genre, including poetry, essays, literary criticism, fiction, dramatic writing, and translation. For visual art, our tastes are similarly broad but rigorous; accepted work will be able to communicate with our readers from within the confines of a trade paperback-sized piece of paper. Our submission period for Rustica 3, which is being released fall of 2024, is now open. Writers wishing to be considered for...