Witcraft - General Submissions - Free
Full details Send us skillfully written fiction, poetry and non-fiction pieces that are brief, humorous and engaging, with the emphasis on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. Word limits: 200-1000. We’re looking for fiction, nonfiction and poetry that is founded on wit, humour, puns, absurdity and irony. Put away the sledgehammer, the cliches, the tired tropes and the nastiness. Every piece accepted in a given month is automatically entered into that month's competition and is eligible for one of 3 monetary prizes for that month. Submissions to: https://duotrope.com/duosuma/submit/witcraft-064wz Could you also please add a new Listing; Witcraft Annual Humour Competition This is a competition dedicated to skillful writing that is brief, humorous and engaging. The emphasis is on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. Whether your work is designed to raise a smile or a belly laugh, we want pieces ...