Fire and ice

 Full details 


Fire & Ice, an imprint of Melange Books, LLC, is a royalty-paying company publishing e-books (digital formats) and print books. We pay authors 40% net royalties on digital formats and 25% on print.

Fire and Ice acquires for most genres of UPPER YA (teen-15 years and above) and New Adult novels and novellas.

NOTE: We are not currently accepting submissions for middle grade fiction.

We are currently OPEN for submissions.

• Novella length from 20k – 39,999k (ebook only, not available in print)
• Novels from 40k and up (full length novels, available in print and ebook)



Contemporary Fiction OR Contemporary Romance
Fire & Ice is seeking full length contemporary fiction OR contemporary romance novels, both New Adult and YA (ages 15 and above content) are desired.


We are looking for well-written stories with strong, complex characters and intriguing storylines that support a healthy balance between the characters’ inner and outer journeys.

• For YOUNG ADULT, main characters should be high school age, 15-17 years old.
• All genres and sub-genres EXCEPT Epic Fantasy are acceptable (romance, humor, contemporary, historical, fantasy, etc.)
• Subject matter should be relevant to today's youth. However, controversial issues must be treated with sensitivity and be essential to the character’s inner growth.
• Point of view — can be in either first or third person.
• Good characterization — characters must be real and three-dimensional.
• Stories must have a strong opening hook (no flashbacks, excessive back story or long, elaborate narratives.)
• Clean writing—no typos, misspelled words, grammar errors (put it through spell check/grammar check before sending it to us. Never submit a first draft.)
• Stories must be divided by chapters.
• Can be first in a series or a ‘stand-alone’ book.

What We Won't Accept:

• Nothing sexually gratuitous — use your best judgment, we want to be relevant to today's youth, but we don't want to promote underage sex.
• No stories with excessive introspection — characters can’t grow by talking to themselves!
• Characters can profess to have faith, but NO religious or anti-religious themes.



• For NEW ADULT, main characters should be aged 18-24 years old.
• All genres and sub-genres are acceptable (romance, humor, contemporary, historical, fantasy (no high fantasy at this time), etc.).
• Subject matter should be relevant to today's twenty-somethings. However, controversial issues must be treated with sensitivity and be essential to the character’s inner growth.
• Point of view — can be in either first or third person.
• Good characterization — characters must be real and three-dimensional.
• Stories must have a strong opening hook (no flashbacks, excessive back story or long, elaborate narratives.
• Clean writing—no typos, misspelled words, grammar errors (put it through spell check/grammar check before sending it to us. Never submit a first draft.)
• Stories must be divided by chapters. For consistency, scene breaks should be divided by 3 asterisks (***).
• Can be part of a series or a ‘stand-alone’ book.

What We Won't Accept:

• Nothing sexually graphic — keep it sweet, tasteful and relevant.
• No stories with excessive introspection — characters can’t grow by talking to themselves!
• Characters can profess to have faith, but NO religious or anti-religious themes.


Please title your manuscript DOC or DOCX in the following format:
(example: 2023-02-12-by-Author-Name)

Manuscripts Must Be:

• Single spaced
• Times New Roman 12 point font
• 0.03”-indent first paragraph
• Chapter Headings 18 point font

Send FULL MANUSCRIPT submission (see instruction above!), attached to an email to:
Nancy Schumacher:


What To Do While You Wait For A Response?

1. You should begin building your social media presense as soon as possible, ideally this is done before you've even completed your manuscript. This means having a website, newsletter sign up, and as many social media plateforms as you are comfortable with, one at the bare minimum. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) Your social plateforms should be set to PUBLIC, it does no good if potential readers can't see your posts.

2. Start thinking about who your target audience is. Look at what authors of similar books to yours are doing to promote their works.

3. Get to writing your next book! The best way to sell books is to write more books.



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