
Edinburgh Short Story Awards

  Full details  The Prizes First Prize £3,000 Second Prize £500 Third Prize £250 Publication is offered to authors of the top twenty stories in The Edinburgh Anthology, published annually. The Scottish Arts Club will present one year free membership of the Club to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and Isobel Lodge winners. The First Write Award Open to unpublished writers worldwide Prize: £300 plus publication An opportunity for unpublished writers to shine, get noticed and get published. We know how hard it is to get on the publishing ladder. We are eager to find those undiscovered talents, the writers living anywhere in the world who are producing artful, insightful, engaging, entertaining, thrilling or emotionally driven stories. We will run a parallel selection process for unpublished writers to give these stories the best opportunity to shine. Unpublished means that the writer has not received payment for any work of fiction or won publication in a book or magazine as a result of a

New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2025

 Full details   Welcome to the New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2025. Open to writers from around the world, we’re offering an increased top prize of £1,100 . The deadline is Friday 31st January 2025 and £1.00 from each entry will be donated to First Story (see here for details of the charity’s work). Read the details below, read our Frequently Asked Questions , or check out the fantastic winners of the 2022 Flash Fiction Competition and the 2024 Flash Fiction Competition . We also have a great Q&A with our head judge Shreya Sen-Handley . Alternatively, head straight to the ENTRY FORM to submit your entry or entries. New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2025 – At A Glance: Deadline:  23.59 (UK time) on Friday 31st January 2025 Entry Fee:  £10 (one entry), £19 (two entries), £27 (three entries) Prizes:  1 st Place:  £1,100 ; 2 nd Place: £300 ; 3 rd Place: £200 Head Judge: Shreya Sen-Handley  (Author, Columnist, Playwright and Illustrator) Publication:  The three winni


  Full details  his year the Judge’s Prize for poems of 11 to 50 lines will be judged by AMY ACRE, whose debut collection, Mothersong (Bloomsbury, 2023) was shortlisted for the John Pollard Poetry Prize, and named a Book of the Year in the Telegraph and Financial Times. She runs Bad Betty Press. —— The Editors’ Prize is judged by a panel of Magma Editors and is for poems of up to 10 lines . The prize money for both competitions is the same, so double your chances and try your luck at both! First prize for the Judge’s and Editors’ Prize is £1000, second prize £300 and third prize £150. The three prize-winning poems from each category will be published in Magma and there will also be five special mentions for each of the Judge’s Prize and Editors’ Prize categories. All winning and commended poems will be published online on the Magma website. Winning and commended poets will be invited to read their poems at a Magma Competition event in Spring 2025. Last years’ winners are

Fabuly Writer’s Challenge - Calling for Submissions

  Full details  Fabuly Writer’s Challenge - Calling for Submissions Whether you’re an aspiring writer or an established author, an aesthete, a poet, a novelist, or a self-repressed bookworm, we have a challenge for you. Now is the time to reveal your hidden talents in Fabuly's inaugural writing contest. You'll have until December 15th, 2024 to craft a 2,000-word story on the theme of "An Unexpected Encounter." The grand prize winner, chosen by our panel of judges, will receive 500 USD and have their story published on our website and in the app along with thousands of the best classic literature. Their story will not only be published but also professionally illustrated and produced in an audio format . The winner will also have the opportunity to include a brief biography and a link to their website or preferred social media profile alongside their story on Fabuly’s website. Submission Requirements Word Count: Up to 2,000 words Deadline: December 15th,

Kemper Humna Rights Essay

  Full details  $4000, $2000, AND $1000 PRIZES The Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation ( is offering prizes of $4000, $2000, and $1000 to high school students judged to have written the best answers to the question below.  There are two contests and two sets of prizes: one for high school students in the U.S. and one for high school students who are citizens and residents of other countries. QUESTION Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression ; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.  Yet António Gueterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations , has identified hate speech as a formidable threat to human rights.   Do you agree and if so, how do you think governments should deal with that threat?  If you disagree explain the reason you disagr


 Full details  Rules of Submission   Please send unpublished manuscripts (fiction, poetry, collections of short stories, and memoir, or graphic novels) in Kiswahili to, .     Only one entry per writer may be submitted each year. Previous winners are not eligible for 12 months.   Manuscripts should have between 40,000 - 60,000 words for fiction Poetry manuscripts with not less than 60 pages All entries must be in Kiswahili Not less than 40,000 words (with each short story between 1,000 and 6,000 words) Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or PDF format, with the title of the story as the file name The first page of the story should include the name of the story and the number of words The entry must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing Send submissions as attachments The email included with t