
Showing posts from April, 2020

Poolbeg Press

Full details ow to submit a manuscript to Poolbeg Press Poolbeg Press first opened its doors in 1976 and over the years it has become synonymous with nurturing and showcasing new women’s writing. Our slogan Poolbeg the Irish for Bestsellers is particularly apt as authors who were discovered by Poolbeg, such as Maeve Binchy, Marian Keyes, Patricia Scanlan, Cathy Kelly and Sheila O’Flanagan, have become favourites on bookshelves not only in Ireland but throughout the world. We strive to maintain the highest possible standard in good writing and enjoyable storytelling, in both women’s and more recently children’s fiction. In addition, we recently launched Ward River Press, a more literary imprint, and already have some very significant, exciting and varied books published under that name. Though our emphasis is on fiction, we do also publish a certain amount of non-fiction. In the case of children’s books, our particular interest is fiction for the 6 to 12 age range

Border Crossing

Full details Our annual reading period is September 15–February 1. To receive updates about new issues, deadlines, contests, and readings, please add us on facebook or Twitter . To submit, read the guidelines below, then click the button beneath them to be taken to our submission manager.  We’re especially interested in writing that crosses boundaries in genre or geography, and voices that aren’t often heard in mainstream publications. The best way to see what we mean by this is  read our latest issue . All of our submissions go through a rigorous editorial board process. We consider ourselves a “teaching journal,” in that one of our main goals is to give LSSU English and creative writing students editing and publishing opportunities prior to graduation. Every year, student interns read alongside faculty editors as part of the full editorial board and publish book reviews. We only accept unpublished work for which writers can grant us first North American serial rights.


Full details Founded in 1981, BOMB Magazine is dedicated to delivering the artist's voice. BOMB includes a print quarterly magazine and an online daily publication. In addition to conversations between artists of all disciplines, BOMB publishes original works of fiction, poetry, and translation. BOMB hosts an annual literary contest, alternating between fiction and poetry each year, with a distinguished guest judge. We encourage submissions of adventurous work that push the boundaries of form or content in some way. Our submission period is open once a year in the fall. Before submitting, we encourage you to read the magazine, online and in print, to acquaint yourself with the material we have published. Subscriptions to BOMB are available here .


Full details S U B M I S S I O N S General Guidelines Please include a short cover letter with your full name and brief bio statement. Include your last name in the title of your submission and in the name of your submission file. If you need to withdraw a part of your submission due to acceptance elsewhere, please add a note to let us know. We accept simultaneous submissions – but please add a note to let us know as soon as it is accepted elsewhere. Please do not submit previously published work. Please wait until you hear back from us before you submit again. Please check the category guidelines for additional submission instructions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ POETRY Please submit your work on ONE document. Submit up to 5 poems. Each poem should start a new page. Submit to B O D Y __________________________________


Full details We would love to read your poems. If you would like them to be considered for publication on Atrium, please send up to three poems in a Word document to Please format poems in 12 point Times New Roman, single spaced. Each poem should start on a new page. Please put “Poetry Submission – Your Name” in the subject line of your email. Please include a short – 40 words maximum – third person biography in the body of the email. If you would like us to include links to your own website, publisher, Twitter, etc. please include these too. (The links do not count as part of the 40 word bio.) Please note we are unable to make changes to bios once a poem is accepted. Please note we are unable to make changes to a poem once it has been accepted for publication. Work must be previously unpublished. If any poem we publish goes on to be published elsewhere, we’ll be chuffed for you – and we’d love it if you’d give Atrium a mention. The p

Astrophile Press

Full details Astrophil Press does not read manuscripts outside of our open reading periods. All manuscripts will be handled through Submittable; the Submittable link will be available on this page during our open reading periods. Thank you for your interest in Astrophil Press!   Below is a link to our Submittable page. Please note that this is the only way we consider work. We offer calls with particular requirements sometimes make sure your work/letter speaks to these specific requirements or prompts before sending your work. All manuscripts/letters that don't speak to the requirements, we will likely pass on the manuscript.  The best way to get a sense of what we publish is to buy a book. As a small press, we are dependent upon book sales. We thank everyone who has supported us through the years--you are stars! SUBMIT HERE Because of the volume of submissions we receive, reading can often take up to six months. However, the av

Arts and Letters

Full details Regular reading period:  August 1st to January 31st . Arts & Letters Proudly Nominates for: The Pushcart Prize Best New Poets Best American Short Stories Best American Essays Best American Nonrequired Reading We Accept Unsolicited Submissions of: Poetry: 4-6 poems per submission (suggested) Fiction: manuscripts up to 25 pages Flash Fiction: 1-3 pieces per submission up to 1,000 words each Creative Nonfiction: manuscripts up to 25 pages General Submission Guidelines: Send only one submission per genre at any one time. (In other words, submitting a short story and an essay at the same time is fine, but please wait to hear from us before submitting another story.) All submissions must be typed and all prose double-spaced. Average notification time for acceptance is 8-12 weeks. Upload each entry as one document. We accept doc, docx, txt, pdf and rtf files. Simultaneous submissions are fine;  just please let us know right away if your work is acc

Antioch Review

Full details Writer's Guidelines : WHAT KIND OF MATERIAL DOES THE ANTIOCH REVIEW USE? The best answer: Read some issues of The Antioch Review . Within these pages you will find information that can help you to develop ideas for subjects and an understanding about treatment, lengths of articles, and the stories we have used. Perusing prior issues of The Antioch Review will be far more rewarding for you than any theories we might postulate.  This said, the following may also be helpful: Nonfiction essays: Our audience is made up of educated citizens, often professional people, who are interested in matters beyond their fields of special activity.  With few exceptions, our subjects cover most of the range of social science and humanities.  Our approach tries to steer a middle course between scholars speaking exclusively to other scholars in their field and workaday journalists appealing to a broad popular audience; both these approaches have their own journ


Full details Send us this: Nonfiction Criticism Commentary Comics Photo-essays Art Mixed media Don’t send us fiction or previously published pieces. Want to pitch something ? Go ahead, make our day. Click here to get in touch. Include this: A cover letter telling us what you’re submitting and why we’d like it A short bio (max. 100 words) Any website or social media links for your contributor page Get paid: All contributors will receive AUD$150. When you get paid you acknowledge that you’re granting  us : Digital and archiving rights (exclusive) Reproduction rights (exclusive)

The Antigonish Review

Full details Poetry 1. TAR is open to poetry on any subject written from any point of view and in any form. However, writers should expect their work to be considered within the full context of old and new poetry in English and other languages. 2. The amount of space TAR can devote to any one writer is usually limited to 5-6 pages at a maximum. 3. No more than 6-8 poems should be submitted at any one time. A preferable submission would be from 3-4 poems. Submitting more than 8 tends to conceal the merits of individual poems. The poet should also know, fairly clearly, what is or is not good work and send only that. 4. Poets should wait for response to a submission before submitting again. PLEASE NOTE we do not accept submissions which have been previously published in any format. Fiction 1. Submission should be typed, double spaced, author's last name on each page, and can range in length from 500 to 3,000 words. Any submissions longer than 3,000 words are


Full details We look for writing that catches experience before the crusts of habit form—poetry and prose that resist ideas about what a certain kind of writing “should do.” We seek out writers who tell their truths in their own words and convince us as we read that we’ve found something no one else could have written. When to submit AGNI welcomes manuscripts between September 1st and May 31st. Submissions mailed in June, July, or August will be returned unread, provided sufficient return postage is included. Things to know when submitting Nearly everything we publish is unsolicited. We encourage submissions from writers of all identities, living anywhere, published and unpublished. We will not consider writing that has already been published in English, whether in a book, magazine, newspaper, or on an app, a website, a social media feed, or a publicly accessible online community. We consider only work written in English or translated into English. We

Agenda Poetry

Full details Agenda does not accept simultaneous submissions or generally accept previously published work. One of the most problematic areas of running Agenda magazine, aside from finances, is submissions and responses to them. It was hoped that when we implemented our policy of only accepting online submissions, it would create a more efficient system by eliminating postage costs and enabling quicker replies. However, the ease of submitting via email has inevitably led to a considerable increase in the volume of submissions. As a consequence this had led to an increase in the time needed to read and reply. Every effort is made to reply to as many submissions as possible. These submissions do provide the choice for much of the material we publish, and we do realise how important submissions are to each individual, and how rewarding and helpful it can be to have feedback. Our hope is that, by giving encouragement and ultimately possible publication, people will sh


Full details Submissions The following guidelines should be of assistance in deciding whether you feel Acumen would be interested in your work. Poetry All poetry is read carefully. Any poem that may possibly have a chance of publication is shortlisted and from this shortlist the final poems for the magazine are chosen. All other poems are returned within one to six weeks. Any unused shortlist poems are returned as soon as possible. Due to high postage costs, however, poems which are not shortlisted, but which have accompanied a shortlisted poem, will be held along with that poem so that the s.a.e. can be used for the final decision. We receive around 10,000-15,000 poems a year and can only publish a hundred and fifty a year at the most so the chances of rejection are high. But then this applies to most magazines. When reading poetry we look for a poem that says something which is not trivial, not obvi


Full details Abramelin accepts submissions year round. I will try to give you a response within a few weeks. At times, however, it may be more like 3 months. Publication will follow within six to nine months. Abramelin has been publishing high quality poetry since the summer of 2006 We have around 12,000 visitors a year – from 83 different countries in 2014! What am I looking for? Great and interesting modern literary poetry. Images and phrases I have not read before. email all submissions to: Please do not use attachments.

32 Poems

Full details 2 Poems  welcomes unsolicited poetry year round and accepts simultaneous submissions. We respond quickly though (often within a few weeks) and request that submitters keep that time frame in mind as they submit elsewhere. Poets who have not received a response within 90 days are encouraged to query regarding their manuscript’s status. As a rule, we publish shorter poems that fit on a single page (about 32 lines), though we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work that runs a little longer. Please send no more than five poems (in a single document, if submitting online) and no more than one active submission at a time. We do not accept translations or work that has been previously published in print or online. We believe poets should be paid for their work. Contributors receive $25 per poem and two copies of the issue in which their writing appears. For online submissions we charge a $3 reading fee, but that fee is waived for current subscri

Preservation Society

Full details See web site


Full details Inkitt's Writing Contest Inspired by authors, informed by algorithms, and connected by over 2 million readers and writers worldwide, Inkitt is opening a new chapter of your writing! Inkitt’s Writing Contests regularly give authors the opportunity to share their books with readers around the world and showcase their talents. Our monthly cash prizes give you the chance to win money and exclusive book badges for your writing! What you win Monthly cash prizes Each month one grand prize winner, and two runners up will be selected. 1st prize: $300, an exclusive badge for your book cover and Inkitt social media feature! 2nd prize: Exclusive 2nd place book badge and Inkitt social media feature! 3rd prize: Exclusive 3rd place book badge! Judged by our algorithm, the author with the most reader engagement will be chosen as the winner at the end of the contest. So make sure to get plenty of readers, likes, comments and shares on your book, as this i

Book Hug Press

Full details Book*hug Press is a Canadian independent literary publisher specializing in contemporary literary fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, literature in translation, and drama. Please note that we do not publish children’s literature, genre fiction, cookbooks, or self-help books. We seek to acquire books that are bold, contemporary and innovative; work that feels necessary and urgent. We are especially interested in work that challenges and pushes at the boundaries of cultural expectations. We are deeply committed to building a more inclusive CanLit by publishing culturally diverse voices whose work has been historically underrepresented in the publishing landscape. We strongly support feminist writing. When acquiring manuscripts we carefully consider questions such as: whose voices are missing and who are the storytellers that we need most right now? We aim to ensure ensure that our catalogue is reflective of an inclusive and multicultural Canada. We espec

Male Faction

Full details We accept fiction submissions in any genre so long as they adhere to our Golden Rule: every submission must feature a crime, or be related to crime in some way . All those who submit, whether successful or unsuccessful, will receive a response. Currently we are NOT accepting previously published pieces. We DO accept simultaneous submissions: however, please notify us if your piece is accepted elsewhere. Please ensure all submissions are sent in .docx or .doc format. If you are submitting more than one piece, please attach each one as its own file. Submissions should be double spaced and printed in an easily legible size 12 font (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman). To submit, email your work to . At Malefaction Magazine we believe in paying people for their work. We plan to offer £20/€22 per short story; £15/€17 per flash fiction; and £10/€11 per poem. However, our ability to pay contributors and publish a physical copy of the magazine is dep

Eternal Haunted Summer

Full submissions What is Eternal Haunted Summer? EHS is an ezine dedicated to 1) original poetry and 2) short fiction about the Gods and Goddesses and heroes of the world’s many Pagan traditions. We feature 3) reviews of books, graphic novels, academic journals, magazines, movies, plays, and so forth which have a Pagan focus, or which otherwise might interest our Pagan readership. And 4) interviews with established and new Pagan authors, or authors of texts that interest a Pagan audience. And finally, 5) essays concerning the Gods, Goddesses, heroes, myths and folklore of the world. What do we mean by “original?” The submission must not have been previously published in hardcopy, or on another ezine, or website, or blog. Since people often discuss their writing on email lists and messageboards, we do not consider that previous publication. That is, if your poem or story or review has only appeared on email lists or messageboards, we still consider it original. What

The Squeaky Times

Full details Hi. You’re here because you’re a funny person who wants to write satirical nonsense on a website that even search engine bots avoid. You will earn $2.50 USD per article you sell us because money is hard to come by nowadays and we’re generous. We want to harness the funniness within you and use it to create content. That’s capitalism, buster. Read on for guidelines and stuff. Guidelines Submit satirical articles that are between 25 to 300 words in length (or however many words it takes to get the joke(s) across!) PLEASE read the site to first to get a feel for what we do here. We don’t write short stories or rants, we write faux news articles! Again, we don’t publish poetry or short stories. No, seriously. You’re a very good traditional fiction writer, but if you could please read the site a little bit first (even just a teeny, tiny bit), that’d be great It can be about any topic you like but it does – at the very least – need to be somewhat funny

Switchbalde Mag

Full details

Clare Songbirds Publishing

Full details Clare Songbirds Publishing House accepts manuscripts from poets and authors, both established and emerging.  Publication is dependant solely on the quality of work. Please read and follow guidelines carefully .  Manuscripts that deviate from these guidelines will not be read or considered.  Manuscripts are consideration on a rolling basis throughout the year from January 1- November 1.  Due to our lengthy queue please allow 4-6 months for a response.  Simultaneous submissions are not encouraged but will be accepted.  In the body of your email please indicate if your manuscript is a simultaneous submission. Manuscripts are accepted electronically, by email only to .   We do not accept manuscripts via US Mail.   Submissions Format: Enter the genre and your manuscript title as your subject line.  Enter your contact information, a brief bio and any publication acknowledgements in the body of the email.  Do not in

Theatre 503

Full details THEATRE503 SCRIPT SUBMISSION AND PROGRAMMING POLICY We support the work and development of debut and emerging writers along with the artists who bring their words to life. We want to discover stories in close conversation with our times, from voices we haven’t heard before, that makes us see the world anew. SCRIPT SUBMISSIONS We are interested in reading scripts from any writer who is yet to have a full-length play of more than 65 minutes produced professionally for 4 weeks or more in any theatre. We apply this criteria to all script submissions: Unsolicited, Playwriting Award, Rapid Write Response and the 503Five. PROGRAMMING The same criteria applies to programing productions at Theatre503, in particular our 4- week curated hires and in house shows. Ultimately our decision making comes down to the quality of the script and the story it is telling. We want to surprise, invigorate and entertain our audience, we celebrate bold theatricality, emot

Soho Theatre

Full details Verity Bargate Award Our playwriting award is London’s foremost new-writing award with a 37-year history of discovering the best new talent. The winning play receives a full production in our Main House and has launched the career of some of Britain’s most established writers. Alongside the award winning production company Character 7, our search for the 2020 Award winner is now on. Submissions window is 20 November 2019 – 10 January 2020. Time to get typing. Writers’ Lab  Our nine month long programmes run October through June, open to anyone aged 16+. You get to meet other emerging writers and artists as you develop and refine your writing voice through a three-draft process. There are also special masterclasses with guest artists. And discounts to our programmed shows. S’alright init. Tony Craze Award One of those gotta-be-in-it-to-win-it Awards, because this one’s for those in our Writers’ Labs. The winner’s play receives workshop development

Plays in Progress

Full details What is it? Plays in Progress is a global/local new play development program that experiments with technology and process to discover new structures and practices and, ultimately, the best of all possible worlds. So like… wait — what? Williamsburg theatre artists collaborate with playwrights living around the world to develop new work here in Williamsburg in a thoughtful, supportive, and intimate environment. By bringing developmental readings into local businesses, cafes, and venues, we hope to further integrate Williamsburg’s rich arts community with its thriving business community and to invite new audiences into the creative process of making theatre. By streaming readings on-line through HowlroundTV  and hosting Twitter conversation on #newplay, we hope to raise awareness of established and emerging writers’ new work and to foster dialogue between Williamsburg’s arts community and the national and international communities. Cool!   How does i

Lazy Bee Scripts

Full details What does Lazy Bee Scripts publish? Our basic scope is " works for the stage ". We also do interactive Murder Mysteries , a small range of eBooks and a few other things .    There are also some things we don't do ! How do I submit my play? Lazy Bee Scripts is a publisher. (That means that we choose which scripts we publish, and we edit before publication.) We have two submission processes: Appraisal which is optional, but may be useful to you. Consideration for publication which takes longer. If you want feedback about your script, then use the appraisal process . Publishing Finances Lazy Bee Scripts does not pay an advance to authors .

Just Some Theatre

Full details We're always looking for new scripts to produce, and new ideas to develop. If you're a UK based playwright with a new script or idea that you think we'd be interested in, then let us know! The easiest way to do that is to fill in the form below, and sending over a sample of your script or the whole play for us to read. ​ We focus on new writing, and strive for high production values and immersive design. We are looking for full length plays or roughly one hour shows, ideally with casts of 2-5. Scripts that have already been performed on a small scale will be considered, however we are primarily interested in developing work that will be new to audiences. We are a ‘young’ company and have 3 mid-20’s actors at the ready (see our homepage for our mugshots), but are open to casting if required. Alternatively if you have a great idea for a show, or have recently started writing an idea then please feel free to pitch this, as we are also open

Workman Publsihing

Full details  Thank you for your interest in submitting your work to Workman Publishing. We are an independent publishing company that publishes adult and children’s books as well as calendars. Please note that Workman Publishing encompasses several imprints: Workman Publishing Algonquin Books Algonquin Young Readers Artisan Books The Experiment Storey Publishing Timber Press duopress Familius Each imprint publishes a different style of books. Please familiarize yourself with the titles and submission guidelines (below) for each imprint so you know that you’re submitting your work to the imprint most likely to publish it. When submitting to any of the Workman imprints, please send copies of your work—no original manuscripts or artwork. We will not be held liable for any materials lost or destroyed by the U.S. Postal Service or any other carrier. If you send your proposal as a hard copy, your work will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped enve