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Astrophile Press

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Astrophil Press does not read manuscripts outside of our open reading periods. All manuscripts will be handled through Submittable; the Submittable link will be available on this page during our open reading periods. Thank you for your interest in Astrophil Press!
 Below is a link to our Submittable page. Please note that this is the only way we consider work. We offer calls with particular requirements sometimes make sure your work/letter speaks to these specific requirements or prompts before sending your work. All manuscripts/letters that don't speak to the requirements, we will likely pass on the manuscript. 

The best way to get a sense of what we publish is to buy a book. As a small press, we are dependent upon book sales. We thank everyone who has supported us through the years--you are stars!


Because of the volume of submissions we receive, reading can often take up to six months. However, the average response time is often three months or less. Please check with your submittable page to see the status of your manuscript. Though we wish we could respond to every submission personally, we cannot, but please understand that we will read all work carefully and appreciate the time and energy you put into your work. If you have not received word on your submission after six months, you may contact us and inquire about your work. As a general rule, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.  

Don't have a full collection or book finished but you feel like submitting work? Consider our good friends at South Dakota Review. South Dakota Review reads submissions from September through May. 


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