
Showing posts from August, 2021


  Full details What we want: We are looking for original works of fiction from 300 to 5000 words to feature in our magazine. We want to offer a broad spectrum of stories from every Science Fiction subgenre. So send us your robots and space cowboys. Send us your dystopian-alien-invasion-post-apocalyptic-cyberpunk tales. We like weird. We like adventure. We LOVE SCIFI!! We are also looking for Science Fiction poetry of up to 40 lines and articles on or about Science Fiction of up to 2500 words. Like all lit mags, we have high standards. In saying that, we know that writers often do not always appreciate their own work, so put your doubt aside and send us your most polished short story masterpiece. If your work is accepted for publishing, we may request certain edits. The occasional typo is perfectly normal, but we don’t want a story littered with them. If we require structural edits or a slight changes in the story itself, we will message you with our suggestio...

Folks Way Press

  Full details  Folkways Press welcomes work from both emerging and established writers. We want stories that often go untold; words that have been collecting dust in old notebooks; tales that inspire us to learn more about the world around us and the people in it. NOTE: Submissions failing to follow our guidelines will not be read or considered.   See site for varying calls.    

Maverick Books

  Full details Please go to site for details 

CAAB Publishing

  Full details Before you submit your work please read this submissions statement to ensure that your work fits our guidelines on what is acceptable content. Submission Guidelines You must read these guidelines and confirm you have read them when you submit, failure to confirm you have read these guidelines will result in your submission not being considered for publication. At the moment our books are open to most submissions from authors based in the UK of fiction and non-fiction, children or adult stories, sci-fi, horror, romance, YA, historical fiction, detective and murder, fantasy and all mixtures of genres that exist. We will also consider books of short stories. We cannot publish picture books at this moment in time but we may consider books that have photographs or illustrations of a high quality. We are not publishing poetry at this time.  We can not currently accept submissions from non-UK based authors. We do not accept manusc...

Thmes and Hudson

  Full details All T&H books start from a brilliant idea. We are always open to suggestions and submissions from authors, photographers, designers and illustrators with new proposals for books, so do get in touch. So that your proposal can reach us successfully and in the right form, please follow these guidelines: First of all, take a close look at the subject areas T&H publishes in and consider carefully how your proposal relates to them. Art, Architecture, Photography, Design, Fashion, Popular Culture, History and Archaeology are the best known areas of our adult list and we also have a highly successful children’s list. All of our subject categories are listed on this website. We do not publish fiction or poetry and tend not to publish outside our existing subject areas. Please make sure that you are contacting us with a proposal for a book rather than an enquiry about T&H commissioning photography or illustration. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to ...

Sliverbirchington Plays

  Full details  We are accepting scripts from new playwrights and we are ready to hear from you.  Send your script as a word document to .  Your script will be read by a team of professional readers who will recommend plays for publication.   Once we accept your play we will format your work to our house style and add it to our online catalogue.   

Reckonng Press

 Full details  The short version: creative writing and art about environmental justice. The fiction we publish is mostly, but not exclusively, speculative; the nonfiction is more creative than journalistic, the poetry tends towards the narrative, preferably with some thematic heft, the visual art leans away from the pulpy towards the surreal, subversive, political. But the heart of what we want is your searingly personal, visceral, idiosyncratic understanding of the world and the people in it as it has been, as it is, as it will be, as it could be, as a consequence of humanity’s relationship with the earth. We are actively seeking work from Indigenous writers and artists, writers and artists of color, queer and transgender writers and artists, and anyone who has suffered the consequences, intended or otherwise, of dominant society’s systemic disconnect with and mistreatment of the natural world. And we’re actively seeking new ways to reach all of the abo...

Chorus App

  Full details  Eligibility The competition is open to everyone, with the exception of Business Account users, individuals involved in judging the entries, and employees of Chorus App and their immediate families. Originality & Number Of Entries Multiple entries per account are permitted in each judging cycle. However, all entries need to be distinctively different, focusing on a totally new subject than previous entries, otherwise they will be automatically rejected. Only unpublished work is eligible for this competition and entrants agree to this when entering the competition. Previous publication is considered to include on or in a newspaper, newsletter, magazine, anthology, chapbook, book, website, electronic magazine, personal blog, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. If work has previously appeared even in print or small circulated media, this is still considered previous publication. No work that has been exc...

Dioscover Magazine

 Full details  equency: 8 issues/year Payment: For print, on completion of editing on a story draft. For web, on publication. (No need to submit an invoice for either print or web.) Pay Rate: For print, starting at $1/word. For web, typically $300/story. Rights Purchased: For print, 90-day exclusivity and non-exclusive perpetual rights. For web, 365-day exclusivity and non-exclusive perpetual rights. What Makes a Story a Good Fit for Discover We want stories that enlighten, inform and get readers excited about science; we capture science that’s relevant to them. Our stories are grounded in research, but are driven by strong narratives, high reader interest and a conversational tone. Our audience is broad: Science should be for everyone.   Pitching Dos and Don’ts Keep it short, and one idea per email. What’s the science , how is it new (and hasn’t been covered before), and what’s the story that will interest readers? Mention specifics about studies you’d cite and ...

Chronicle Books

  Full details  Inspired by the enduring magic of books, we cultivate and distribute exceptional publishing that is instantly recognizable for its spirit and creativity. Our collaborations spark the passions of adults and children worldwide, encouraging them to explore, connect, and see things differently. Chronicle Books is committed to publishing authors, illustrators, and creators of diverse backgrounds and points of view. We enjoy collaborating with authors to further our work as a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and collaborative publishing house. To encourage submissions from a wide range of potential authors, Chronicle Books has an open submissions policy. We accept unagented submissions of any projects suited to our list, from brilliant books to innovative gift products. Before sending projects to us, please read the following guidelines carefully. Adult Trade Submissions Children’s Submissions (picture books, middle grade, or young adult) Portfolio Submiss...

Reflex Press

  Full details  Please select from the options below: Click here to submit a full-length manuscript for consideration for print publication Click here to submit a single flash fiction story for publication on our website Click here for details of any open calls for submissions we are currently running  

The Jewish Chronicle

  Full details  To submit a News story, please email the Editor . For Community stories, charitable campaigns, etc. please email the Community Editor .   HELP Customer services & Subscriptions:   /  +44 (0) 20 7415 1500 ADVERTISING & ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertising:  / +44 (0) 20 7415 1500 Classified: Place your announcement online  here  / +44 (0) 20 7415 1500 Production:   MARKETING Marketing:  / +44 (0) 20 7415 1500 EDITORIAL Letters to the Editor: Editorial:

Onwe Press

  Full details  WANT TO GET  PUBLISHED? We'd love to read your work.   Feel free to send manuscripts over to    


  Full details  Submission Guidelines   Here you can find the submission guidelines for books , our humor site McSweeney’s Internet Tendency , and the Quarterly !  

Blue Mesa Review

 Full details  The deadline for BMR's Summer Contest is coming up! We are excited to read your work. Here is a short list of things to do before submitting your entry. 1. Seek out work by our judges and give it a read. 2. Choose something you've written that you are truly proud of. 3. Share that work and the contest info with a trusted writer-friend. 4. Polish your work, consult the submission guidelines, and be sure to get it in by August 31st. Below is the contest information. Share the contest with your writing groups. Get pumped. We'll be waiting. - The Editors at Blue Mesa Review ___________________________________   Judges Poetry: Natalie Scenters-Zapico Fiction: Zeyn Joukhadar Nonfiction: Kim Barnes Prizes First place winners receive a cash prize of $500 each and publication in Blue Mesa Review . Second place winners will also receive publication. Please submit up to 6,000 words of prose or a collection of 3 poems.There is an entry fee of ...


Full details   Who We Are Uncharted Magazine is a premier publisher of short fiction and the newest platform from the team behind The Masters Review, CRAFT Literary, Fractured Lit, and The Voyage Journal. Using the skills and expertise we developed to bring those magazines to life, we hope to uplift writers of the stories that we always fall back upon when we seek a thrilling escape, a surprising new world, or a brain-twisting mystery. The Stories We Publish Sci-Fi & Fantasy — We cannot wait to share tales of other worlds that reveal clearly just how strange our own actually is. Horror & Thriller — We are thrilled to get to share stories that terrify us, send us running, make us hide like children under the covers. Crime & Mystery — We will share the very best whodunnits we can get our hands on—the deep and thrilling mysteries that leave us in awe. We cannot wait to read your writing. You can submit your stories ...

Cedar Fort

  Full details Cedar Fort’s Imprints Cedar Fort, Inc., consists of ten imprints,  Sweetwater Books ,   Bonneville Books ,   Front Table Books ,   Hobble Creek Press ,   Plain Sight Publishing ,   Horizon Publishers ,   Council Press ,  King Dragon Press ,   CFI , and   Pioneer Plus . Each imprint offers fun and exciting titles for all ages. The   CFI   imprint features LDS religious nonfiction books. Sweetwater Books   consists of our national juvenile, young adult, and adult fiction titles. Bonneville Books   includes our LDS fiction titles for all ages with stories to inspire and engage. Front Table Books   consists of beautifully designed cookbooks full of delicious recipes. Hobble Creek Press   features our outdoor cooking, Dutch oven cooking, gardening, and outdoor survival. Plain Sight Publishing   presents our lifestyle and life-enhancing general interest nonfiction titles, in...

Three Crows Magazine

 Full details Three Crows want your stories of dark and weird fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, with complex characters making morally ambiguous decisions. We are looking for sci-fi as hard as Liu Cixin and Peter Watts and as wonderfully poetic as Arkady Martine; fantasy and magical realism in the vein of Andrzej Sapkowski, Naomi Novik, and Marlon James; we want horror and New Weird stories that would challenge our preconceived notions and perception of reality like Mark Z. Danielewski, Thomas Ligotti, and China Mieville.  What we don’t want: Stories lacking class consciousness Retellings of Christo-Judean or any other religious mythology ‘with a twist’; Stories based around racial slurs; Stories based on your TTRPG adventures; Stories where rape/abuse is the sole character development tool; Revenge fantasies; Rape fantasies; No multiple submissions, please.   Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but we ask that you inform us immediately if your work gets pub...

Wyld Blood Press

  Full details  Query us for non-fiction and artwork . We need reviews, interviews and articles, covers and interior art. We are a speculative and literary fiction publisher. Interpret that as you will when deciding what to submit, but bear in mind that we are unlikely to publish genre fiction without a speculative element (science fiction, fantasy or horror). We pay for fiction. For all submissions: submit to and please follow our guidelines . Subject line: SUBMISSION – category (eg novel) – story name – your surname – approx word count. Always add a cover note in your email. simultaneous submissions are fine but no multiples or self-published work. No reprints, except by invitation. For flash fiction and short stories : we want speculative fiction only (SFF) of 250 -7,000 words (firm) for publication online in our Wyld Flash series and / or Wyldblood Magazine . (print and digital). We pay £0.01 per word for print an...

Dark Moon Books

 Full details  Ongoing calls for submission.  See site for details. 

Revolute Lit

  Full details  Revolute reads poetry, fiction, and nonfiction submissions during one submission period each fall. Micro Reviews are read year round.  For prose, send 1 story (or flash fiction) or 1 essay per submission, up to 7,000 words. For poetry, send up to 3 poems, up to 15 pages total. We also welcome poetry comics, photo poems, video poems, erasures, etc.  Revolute pays $25 per accepted work of fiction and nonfiction and per acceptance of up to three poems.  Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please notify on Submittable immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. If a genre button is missing from the submit list, it's because we've filled our quota in that genre.  Previously published work will not be considered. Contributors retain all rights but are asked to acknowledge Revolute as first publisher if the work appears in books, anthologies, or elsewhere. Please submit once per reading period. Response times will vary between ...

Histroy Through Fiction

  Full details  History Through Fiction is interested in publishing high quality fiction that is based on historical research. We are looking for stories about real people and real events. Though fictionalized, our books include nonfiction elements such as footnotes, endnotes, and/or a bibliography. When submitting, consider whether your historical novel is informative and educational in addition to being a compelling fictional story. To submit, please email the following information to . Thank you for following these guidelines! In the subject line, include the title and word count of your manuscript In the body of your email, please include a brief query introducing yourself and your work, a synopsis of your novel, and a brief biographical sketch of the author. As an attachment, please include the first 10-20 pages of your manuscript (If you are unable to send it as an attachment, you may include it in the body of your email.) History ...

Cossmass Infinities

  Full details Submissions are open now for  all authors Cossmass Infinities is open for submissions on the following dates: For Black, Asian, Latin, LGBTQ+ and other under-represented authors: January 1st-7th March 1st-7th May 1st-7th July 1st-7th September 1st-7th November 1st-7th For All authors: February 1st-7th April 1st-7th June 1st-7th August 1st-7th October 1st-7th December 1st-7th i.e. Open during the first week of each month, alternating between BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other under-represented authors one month and general submissions the other. Submission windows open and close at midnight UTC. Submissions made outside of these times will be automatically rejected. Cossmass Infinities is a Science Fiction and Fantasy short story magazine edited by Paul Campbell. Submissions must be made using this form . We are looking for original science fiction and fantasy short stories. We are NOT looking for reprints at this time. We are actively interested in stories fro...

The School Magazine

  Full details  Writers High quality stories, poems, plays, activities and non-fiction texts suitable for our readership are invited for all four levels. All material must have strong literary qualities. More Info Illustrators Our books are now closed for artists’ submissions. More Info Comic serial creators  

Ampersand Agency

  Full details Please see our About page so you can send your material to the most appropriate agent. If you’re unsure who to submit to, please email . We would like to see your first three chapters, together with a brief outline and some biographical details. We welcome contemporary and historical novels, literary, crime, thrillers, fantasy, science fiction; non-fiction: current affairs, history, biography, popular science. We don’t handle poetry, self-help books, or stories for young children. We only handle scripts for TV and film projects by our established clients, and we don’t consider material by unpublished authors based in the USA. We prefer submissions in digital form. If emailing your submission to us you should attach your chapters and outline as Word documents as opposed to copying and pasting text into an email. If you copy and paste, our server is likely to reject your submission because of length, and we will not rec...

Paranoid Tree

  Full submissions  Open to fiction, creative nonfiction, and *prose* poetry. Limit 400 words. Multiple submissions of up to 5 pieces per entry are allowed. Please consolidate your submissions into one file. Simultaneous submissions are allowed and encouraged. RESPONSE TIME: Please allow 1–2 months for a response (via email). PAYMENT: Published pieces will receive a $50 one-time payment for their work, as well as 10 printed copies of the final zine. WITHDRAWALS: Please email . By sending us your work, you are also consenting to be signed up for our email newsletter. The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form Not ? Switch account * Required Email * First name * Last name * Pronouns Optional. About you * Please limit to 3–5 sentences. Tell us about any publishing credits you're proud of, sunsets you've admired, or weird collections of cross stitc...