Chronicle Books

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Inspired by the enduring magic of books, we cultivate and distribute exceptional publishing that is instantly recognizable for its spirit and creativity. Our collaborations spark the passions of adults and children worldwide, encouraging them to explore, connect, and see things differently.

Chronicle Books is committed to publishing authors, illustrators, and creators of diverse backgrounds and points of view. We enjoy collaborating with authors to further our work as a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and collaborative publishing house.

To encourage submissions from a wide range of potential authors, Chronicle Books has an open submissions policy. We accept unagented submissions of any projects suited to our list, from brilliant books to innovative gift products.
Before sending projects to us, please read the following guidelines carefully.

  • Adult Trade Submissions
  • Children’s Submissions (picture books, middle grade, or young adult)
  • Portfolio Submissions (freelance illustrator, photographer, or other visual artist guidelines)
  • Freelance Writer Submissions 
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