
Showing posts from September, 2022

Clash Books

 Full details  CLASH BOOKS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES We are looking for strong, fresh voices & POV's in any genre. Fiction, nonfiction, & poetry. Especially looking for unique voices of female identifying, LGBTQ & POC from all over the world. CLASH Books is about global perspectives, contrasts, & juxtapositions. If you are unsure about whether what you have is for us, I recommend you check out our catalogue & our IG & Twitter @clashbooks WE PUT THE LIT IN LITERARY Send submissions to Managing Editor Christoph Paul Editor in Chief Leza Cantoral Include bio & synopsis in body of email. Submit full MS as a word doc. Allow 3 months for reading time. If you do not hear from us within 3 months it has not been accepted. Simultaneous subs are allowed. We read every submission & the schedule is filling up fast. We are already scheduling books for 2022 IF INTERESTED IN BLACK TELEPHONE MAGAZINE FIND SUBMISSION GUIDELIN...

Seaside Gothic

  Full details  easide Gothic publishes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction of high quality that meet the criteria of seaside gothic literature . Each issue also features a selection of images from a single photographer or artist, including the cover. To gain an understanding of what the Editor of Seaside Gothic is looking for please read the previous Issues . Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction Submissions Submissions should be a single piece of fiction, a single poem, or a single piece of nonfiction attached as a Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF document in Times New Roman double-line-spaced size 12. Submissions must be complete self-contained pieces not in excess of 1,000 words in length and not serialised or extracts of larger works. Quotes or extracts of work currently in copyright under UK law will be included in nonfiction if Fair Use can be justified at the discretion of Seaside Gothic , and will not be considered within fiction or poetry. Visual Submissions...


 Full details  Mangoprism  welcomes pitches and submissions for all types of writing. We are looking for: personal essays cultural criticism long-form interviews with interesting people short fiction album, book, movie and product reviews original reporting radical political screeds unexpected recipes We pay at least 10 cents per word—a baseline that we intend to increase as more monthly supporters sign on. Mangoprism pieces generally span 1,000 to 3,000 words, but we bend in either direction in particular cases. The only true standard of publication is that  reading your piece must be at least as enjoyable as eating a morsel of mango, the most succulent of fruits. If you don’t know where to begin, see our pitch guide . Part of our mission is to publish unestablished writers, and we strongly encourage even those who don’t necessarily  identify  as a “writer” to reach out. We also hope that folks who  do  identify or work as a wri...

The Oldie

  Full details EDITORIAL The Oldie, Moray House 23/31 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 7PA Telephone: 020 7436 8801 Email: LEGAL Please send any legal queries to We will not be able to respond to legal queries sent to other email addresses. SUBMISSIONS Want to submit cartoons or articles? Please read our submission guidelines Please - for any submissions - don't forget to include your name and address, so if we use your contribution, we can pay you! LETTERS Want to write to the editor in response to a piece you've read or something you've heard for possible publication? Write to the above address or e-mail: SUBSCRIPTIONS The Oldie subscriptions department can be contacted on: Tel: 0330 333 0195 Or CLICK HERE to subscribe online e-mail: ADVERTISING SALES For Inserts, Display, Tip-ons, Online and Classified advertising see ' How to Advetis...

Jewish Currents

 Full details  How to Pitch Jewish Currents Jewish Currents is a print and digital magazine of politics, culture, and ideas. Our print issues appear quarterly, and we publish pieces online several times a week. We’re a magazine rooted in the questions that animate the Jewish left, and the left more generally. Issues we cover include—but are not limited to—the uses and misuses of antisemitism, the inner workings of Jewish communal organizations, Israel/Palestine politics on the ground and internationally, race and racialization, strategies and horizons of American left movements, the global rise of the far right, diasporic cultural expression, labor, climate, incarceration, immigration, and feminism. You don’t have to be Jewish to contribute to Jewish Currents, and your story does not necessarily need a Jewish angle; it only needs to speak to issues of critical importance to our audience. We seek timely pitches that offer original reporting on the forces rapidly...

The Vincent Brothers Review

 Full details  ST way to see what types of material The Vincent Brothers Review editors accept for publication is to purchase our back issues and read them. Send only previously unpublished pieces. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but let us know ASAP if they are accepted elsewhere. TVBR editors don’t post a min/max word limit for fiction pieces. However, keep in mind that Flash Fiction pieces should be 1,000 words max, and the editors prefer short stories not longer than 8,000 words. We use submission fees (typically $3 per general short story submission, $10 for story contest entries) to pay writers for their accepted pieces. TVBR is a paying market. We pay a minimum $25 per flash and short stories that appear on our online publication and in our print issues. SUBMIT NONFICTION ...

Infinte Worlds Magazine

  Full details  We’re constantly on the lookout for the best new science fiction and horror – whether that’s via submissions or reaching out directly to creators who catch our eye. We review all of the stories, illustrations and comics we’re sent before planning each issue, so there’s no need to wait. However, as our staff is incredibly small, there is no timeline for when (or even if) you will receive a reply to your submission. So, if you fail to receive a response within 90 days of your submission, you should consider that submission rejected. If you’d like your work to be considered for a future issue of Infinite Worlds, please send an email to: If you’d like your work to be considered for a future issue of Infinite Horrors, please send an email to: We are interested in printing new, unpublished science fiction and horror stories between 1500–5000 words in length. Writers may be asked to edit their wo...


 Full details See site for details  

2023 Short new play

 Full details  CRITERIA FOR SUBMISSIONS – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Open to anyone resident in the UK and Ireland, and to UK and Irish nationals living abroad . Entries must be new writing or never professionally performed in the UK  Ideally scripts should not require more than 4 actors. (Actors could always play multiple roles). Entries submitted online. No paper entries Entries should be 12-point text and include page numbers, a title page, and character list  Please include a short synopsis of no more than 50 words  Send scripts in Word format (not a PDF)  You may submit only one script per category LINK TO SUBMISSION PORTAL IS LIVE Submission deadline: Midnight Saturday 24th September 2022 SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY HERE CATEGORIES: Play A short play of up to 20 minutes on any topic which could utilise technology to create a wow factor . Environmental Play – “Rising Waters”  A short play of up to 20 minutes on the 1953...

The Bureau Dispatch

 Full details  The Bureau Dispatch publishes short stories between 500 to 1,500 words. We do not consider poetry. We want your best work . We are not a spec fic journal, but our stories often contain a hint of the speculative, a dash of the intriguing. We want fiction that is compelling and beautifully-crafted; narratives that leave the reader breathless and changed. The kind of story that, when all is said and done, elicits a resounding "sh*t, yeah! " We accept simultaneous submissions , but please let us know in your cover letter and do notify us as soon as your piece is accepted elsewhere. Send only one previously unpublished piece at a time . We currently do not accept reprints. Please include a 75-80 word third-person writer's bio in your cover email. The current response time is 3-4 weeks. Thank you for your patience! If your story is accepted , you will be invited to submit the remaining items of your writer's dossier. The dossier is made up of: The accep...