The Bureau Dispatch

 Full details 

The Bureau Dispatch publishes short stories between 500 to 1,500 words. We do not consider poetry.

We want your best work. We are not a spec fic journal, but our stories often contain a hint of the speculative, a dash of the intriguing. We want fiction that is compelling and beautifully-crafted; narratives that leave the reader breathless and changed. The kind of story that, when all is said and done, elicits a resounding "sh*t, yeah!"

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know in your cover letter and do notify us as soon as your piece is accepted elsewhere.
  • Send only one previously unpublished piece at a time.
  • We currently do not accept reprints.
  • Please include a 75-80 word third-person writer's bio in your cover email.
  • The current response time is 3-4 weeks. Thank you for your patience!

If your story is accepted, you will be invited to submit the remaining items of your writer's dossier. The dossier is made up of:

  1. The accepted story;
  2. A photograph of you in your writing space;
  3. A list of 5-10 things on your desk or in your preferred writing space; and
  4. A short 70-80 word third person bio.

The Bureau Dispatch pays US$50 for work published.

  • We require exclusive electronic rights for 3 months and non-exclusive print rights (for future print anthologies or collections) within 2 years of acceptance. All copyrights remain with the author at all times.
  • Additional explanations of rights will be available in a contract sent after a work has been accepted and the author notified.
  • Authors are always paid before their work goes live.

Thank you for trusting TBD with your work, and we look forward to reading your stories!

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