The Vincent Brothers Review

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ST way to see what types of material The Vincent Brothers Review editors accept for publication is to purchase our back issues and read them. Send only previously unpublished pieces. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but let us know ASAP if they are accepted elsewhere.

TVBR editors don’t post a min/max word limit for fiction pieces. However, keep in mind that Flash Fiction pieces should be 1,000 words max, and the editors prefer short stories not longer than 8,000 words.

We use submission fees (typically $3 per general short story submission, $10 for story contest entries) to pay writers for their accepted pieces. TVBR is a paying market. We pay a minimum $25 per flash and short stories that appear on our online publication and in our print issues.

The BEST way to see what types of material The Vincent Brothers Review editors accept for publication is to purchase our back issues and read them. Send only previously unpublished pieces. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but let us know ASAP if they are accepted elsewhere.

TVBR editors don’t post a min/max word limit for non-fiction pieces. However, keep in mind that the editors favor nonfiction pieces that are 5,000 words max.

We use submission fees (typically $3 per general nonfiction submission, $10 for contest entries) to pay writers for their accepted pieces. TVBR is a paying market. We pay a minimum $25 for nonfiction pieces that appear on our online publication and in our print issues.

The BEST way to see what types of material The Vincent Brothers Review editors accept for publication is to purchase our back issues and read them. Send only previously unpublished poems.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but let us know ASAP if they are accepted elsewhere. Please do not send more than 5 poems per submission.

We use submission fees (typically $3 per submission, up to 5 poems) to pay writers for their accepted pieces. TVBR is a paying market. We pay a minimum $25 for poems that appear on our online publication and in our print issues.

General Submission Guidelines

Send us work you would be proud to see in print or online. The best way to discover what kind of manuscripts we seek is to read at least a couple of back issues of The Vincent Brothers Review! Read through our website for our latest online selections.
Our most recent print issue (#24: Changes) is $16.77 each postpaid; saddle-stitched back issues are $8.82 each; perfect-bound issues #21–23 are $14.82 each postpaid, and all other perfect-bound back issues are $10.82. TVBR editors plan to release our next hard-copy issue (#25) in November 2022.
This suggestion goes beyond our desire to sell back issues. Writers seeking publication should support and read their peers’ work and the work of the magazines they are approaching for possible publication.
Great writers are always great readers, too. Set high reading standards in addition to high writing standards. If you plan to market your work, you must be aware of what that market is publishing—research online literary publications, as well as the litmag sections of libraries and bookstores. Once you’ve found a few magazines you enjoy reading, subscribe to them, and study the material they feature. The habit of reading contemporary litmags and eMags will enhance and broaden your appreciation of literature and assist you in placing your work.
We make our manuscript selections based on the author’s word choices, style, and the images, ideas, and characters those words convey. The typeface used by an author is not a factor in our consideration; however, manuscripts presented in a clear, legible manner are easier to read. First we weigh each manuscript as a stand-alone piece. Then, we read each manuscript several times AGAIN as we figure out which manuscripts enhance the other stand-alone manuscripts we enjoyed reading. Our goal is to fit together manuscripts and illustrations that flow together into a whole new work: a themed issue.
Our response process takes time. Sometimes up to a year. Don’t send us your work if you require a quick turnaround response time. We simply do not have a large enough staff to accommodate a fast timeline.
Read your manuscript out loud before sending it out.
Letting a manuscript rest for a week or so before approaching it for the second edit is a good idea.
Only unpublished manuscripts are acceptable, though we do accept simultaneous submissions. If you send a simultaneous submission, please notify us as soon as possible when that manuscript is accepted.
TVBR publishes theme issues only. Stay tuned and check back here for further deadlines and contests, including information about our Deanna Pickard Memorial Prize, a poetry chapbook contest for women over 50 who have not yet published a chapbook. We will also launch a themed haibun contest soon.
You will be sent to TVBR’s page in order to submit your work. The submission fee is similar to what you would pay in postage to mail it via surface mail. Submission fees are used to cover production costs, including website maintenance and payments for writers and TVBR staff. TVBR is a PAYING market.




  1. Yet another mag that expects you to buy one of their publications to find out what they publish and then want a submission fee as well.

  2. You should see the ones we don't include!


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