Blue Mesa Review

 Full details 

The deadline for BMR's Summer Contest is coming up! We are excited to read your work. Here is a short list of things to do before submitting your entry.

1. Seek out work by our judges and give it a read.
2. Choose something you've written that you are truly proud of.
3. Share that work and the contest info with a trusted writer-friend.
4. Polish your work, consult the submission guidelines, and be sure to get it in by August 31st.

Below is the contest information. Share the contest with your writing groups. Get pumped. We'll be waiting.

- The Editors at Blue Mesa Review


Poetry: Natalie Scenters-Zapico

Fiction: Zeyn Joukhadar

Nonfiction: Kim Barnes

First place winners receive a cash prize of $500 each and publication in
Blue Mesa Review. Second place winners will also receive publication.

Please submit up to 6,000 words of prose or a collection of 3 poems.There is an entry fee of $12 per submission.

You can enter via Submittable or visit our webpage for more information.


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