Wyld Blood Press

 Full details 

Query us for non-fiction and artwork. We need reviews, interviews and articles, covers and interior art.

We are a speculative and literary fiction publisher. Interpret that as you will when deciding what to submit, but bear in mind that we are unlikely to publish genre fiction without a speculative element (science fiction, fantasy or horror). We pay for fiction.

For all submissions:

  • submit to contact@wyldblood.com and please follow our guidelines. Subject line: SUBMISSION – category (eg novel) – story name – your surname – approx word count. Always add a cover note in your email.
  • simultaneous submissions are fine but no multiples or self-published work. No reprints, except by invitation.

For flash fiction and short stories:

  • we want speculative fiction only (SFF) of 250 -7,000 words (firm) for publication online in our Wyld Flash series and/or Wyldblood Magazine.(print and digital). We pay £0.01 per word for print and digital rights (to a maximum of £75) with a 180 day exclusivity period (half rate for reprints and no exclusivity).
  • submit in Standard Manuscript Format. (contact details and word count at the top of your manuscript essential) with your story as an email attachment (doc, docx or RTF – definitely not PDF). Add a short cover note. If we publish you we’ll ask for a three line (approx) bio, so you might consider sending us one up-front.

For novels and novellas:

  • We are currentty CLOSED for novels and novellas
  • we’re looking for speculative fiction and literary fiction. We only want original work from 20,000 to 100,000 words (firm). We publish novels (over 50,000 words) in print and digitally. Shorter work digital only. Payment for novels and novellas is royalty only, but our rates are competitive.
  • please send us a cover note in the body of your email with some information about yourself, and attach a one to two page synopsis (single spaced) and the first three chapters (or approx 10,000 words). We’ll ask if we want to see the full manuscript.


If you’re going to be submitting work to us, here are a few things you may want to bear in mind. We’ll be updating this list regularly.

  • don’t send us things we haven’t asked for – and definitely no poetry.
  • we’ve seen many things many times so be original.
  • we can tell if you know your craft – don’t send us your first draft and make sure you’ve covered the basics. It doesn’t have to be perfect – but it does have to be professional.
  • look at our published stories to get a feel for what we buy.
  • we’re not into gratuitous gore or erotica – don’t send us anything you wouldn’t want your kid sister to see.
  • be sparing with the swearing.
  • thoughtful, character based stories are our thing.
  • anything racist or deliberately offensive will get you canned. And don’t be preachy.
  • no fan-fic – we’ve no desire to get sued.
  • enthusiasm, perseverance and an obvious willingness to take feedback and respond positively go a long way with us.

Response times

We aim to respond to short submissions within a few weeks and novels within two months (longer if we ask for a full manuscript). We’re currently running late with our novel submissions so please bear with us.

We have now responded to everyone who submitted to our last short story and flash fiction calls. If you haven’t heard from us, please email – we’re running a manual system and we’ve been known to make the odd mistake (or two).

We have made final decisions for stories for our Steampunk Anthology and have emailed everyone who submitted. If you haven’t heard from us yet (and have checked your spam), email us at contact@wyldblood.com with QUERY in the subject line.



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