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General Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in Sequestrum. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself our general guidelines below. When ready to submit, use our online submission manager.
is a competitive, paying market which publishes high-quality short
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts on a rolling basis. Recent
contributors include Pulitzer Prize nominees, Guggenheim and NEA
Fellows, award-winning novelists and poets, as well as many new and
emerging voices. We’re committed to publishing the bulk of our
publications from unsolicited manuscripts and are open to all stylistic
schools and “isms,” including the occasional genre piece. The best way
to familiarize yourself with our tastes is to read what we’ve published.
Sequestrum offers pay-what-you-can subscriptions: as little as $2.50 gets you access to everything we’ve published and allows you to make free submissions,
making it easy for everyone to get an idea of our editorial direction.
Our sole guideline regards manuscript length.
serious sticklers for concise, evocative writing. Like, bloodshot-eyes,
skin-scoured-raw, Tolstoy-is-the-reason-we-drink, serious. As such, Sequestrum publishes only short prose and poetry. Read About Us to learn more about our publication philosophy.

What We Publish:
Fiction: Submissions
should generally not exceed ten thousand* (10,000) words. We prefer our
writing succinct over sprawling (we will consider micro, flash,
short-shorts, etc.), but our only true requirement is quality. Most
pieces average 5,000 words or less. If you have a piece you feel is a
good fit with us, send it.
Creative Nonfiction: Submissions should generally not exceed ten thousand* (10,000) words. All genres of nonfiction (articles, reviews, memoirs, personal essay, cross-genre, etc.) are acceptable, though we rarely publish scholarly essays or literary criticism.
Poetry: We like our poetry short. Submissions should be no more than thirty-five* (35) lines. Maximum four (4) poems per submission.
*Length guidelines are just that: guidelines.
Pieces exceeding these limits will be considered but generally have a
harder time being published. If your work is outstanding, we’ll make
room for it.
Quick Facts:
- We accept and read submissions year-round via our online submission system. We do not accept mailed or electronic submissions in other forms.
- Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed, so long as we’re notified via Submittable should your work be accepted elsewhere.
- All manuscripts must be previously unpublished. This includes any print or online format.
- General submissions are unthemed.
- General submissions are unthemed.
- A nominal reading fee is charged via Submittable which allows us to offer streamlined services like Submittable, advertise publications, compensate staff, maintain a newsletter, and otherwise compete for the best writing possible. In addition to a small honorarium, Sequestrum contributors receive a complimentary 6 month subscription redeemable at any time after acceptance. This is maintained by our subscribers and reading fee, about equal to the cost of sending manuscripts by post. See “Payment” for more information.
- Subscribers are not charged a submission fee at a limit of one pending submission at any time. Subscribers may withdraw their submission at any time and send another if they so choose. Sending only your best, most polished work helps keep our response times reasonable. More on becoming a subscriber member here.
- Your name should not appear anywhere on your manuscript.
- Include
a short (75 words or less) bio including publication history,
education, and any other relevant information in a cover letter to be
used as a contributor bio in the event of publication.
- Include
a short (75 words or less) bio including publication history,
education, and any other relevant information in a cover letter to be
used as a contributor bio in the event of publication.
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