Stepaway Magazine

Full details

StepAway Magazine is an award-winning online literary magazine which publishes the best urban flash fiction and poetry by writers from across the globe. The title of the magazine draws inspiration from Frank O’ Hara’s landmark flâneur poem, “A Step Away from Them”. Our magazine is hungry for literature that evokes the sensory experience of walking in specific neighborhoods, districts or zones within a city. This is flânerie for the twenty-first century.
Our writers lead our readership through the streets of his or her chosen city. They do so in one thousand words or less.
Send one story or poem at a time. All submissions should be contained within the body of the email. No attachments please.  Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Due to the volume of submissions we now receive, we only respond to those that we accept. We aim to notify authors of successful submissions within 28 days.
We accept/reject on a rolling basis. Writers should submit no more than once a month. The author retains all rights to a piece of work accepted by StepAway Magazine.
Submissions that do not adhere to our submission criterea will be deleted and will not receive a response.
After reading the above, please submit your work along with a short, press ready biography to:
StepAway Magazine is a nonprofit organization, edited and maintained by volunteers.


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