
Full details

We're looking for fiction and nonfiction between 1,000 and 6,000 words. Send your submission in the body of a plain text email message to our submissions wrangler (who is not the same person as our editor in chief) at submit@daikaijuzine.org. Include the word "Submission" and the title of your submission in your subject line; otherwise, your submission may not make it to our editors. Submissions sent to any other Daikaijuzine address will not be considered. Please read the full guidelines before submitting or before sending inquiries. Daikaijuzine has a blind submissions policy; after you submit your manuscript, all identifying information is stripped so that not even our slush readers know who submitted what, until it's time to send a response.
Don't forget to log your submission on the Submissions Grinder!
NOTE: SUBMISSIONS SENT AS EMAIL ATTACHMENTS OR LEFT AS COMMENTS ON OUR SITE (yes, this has happened) WILL BE DELETED UNREAD AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Or possibly rejected out of hand, depending on our submissions wrangler's mood. Likewise for submissions sent to any address other than submit@daikaijuzine.org.
Your submission should also include a cover letter which includes your name, your pen name, and your contact information, as well as the story's length and publication history.
Daikaijuzine welcomes submissions from writers of all backgrounds, including people of backgrounds that have been historically underrepresented or excluded from traditional publishing, including, but not limited to, women, people of color, LGBTQ or non-binary gender people, persons with disabilities, members of religious minorities, and people from outside the United States. Our goal is to publish fiction that reflects the diversity of the human race, so we strongly encourage submissions from these or any other underrepresented groups.
We are eager to accept submissions by new and unpublished writers as well as previously published writers.
Length: 1,000 to 6,000 words
Daikaijuzine seeks diversity in content and storytelling. We publish primarily speculative fiction, from horror to hard science fiction to high fantasy to mysteries to magical realism to mainstream, but we have room for other types of fiction as well. If superheroes or zombies or giant monsters are your thing, that's fine too. We want stories that are well told, with strong characters and storylines, demonstrate respect for the reader and the language, and which are fun to read. Challenge us. Stretch our horizons. Make us think. At the very least, give us a good laugh.
Flash Fiction
Length: Up to 1,000 words
Guidelines for fiction, above, also apply to flash fiction. Flash fiction should be up to 1,000 words. More than that, and we call it a short story.
Length: 1,000 to 6,000 words
We are interested in articles of interest to the speculative fiction community, such as editorials, interviews, biographical pieces, reviews, and whatever else you might take a fancy to. We currently have no specific guidelines. If you think we might be interested, send it to us, and let our nonfiction editor take a look at it. If you're not sure, send a note to us via the Inquiries tab above. We're interested in history, science, natural history, philosophy, anything. We're not a peer-reviewed journal, so bear that in mind if you're trying to get famous and win some research grants here. Nonfiction pieces should cite their references according to the MLA guidelines.
Poems should be no more than a page. Subject matter is open, and you may submit up to five poems per submission.


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