Flash Fiction Online

Full details

Flash Fiction Online is an open-genre publication and is currently OPEN to all submission categories.  Please no erotica, graphic sex, or egregious violence.  We also frown on the gratuitous use of expletives.
Flash Fiction Online accepts REPRINTS.  Please submit in the REPRINT category.  Payment is $.02 (two cents) per word.  All other guidelines apply.
Flash Fiction Online strives to publish fiction that presents the full variety of humanity in its pages. As such, we encourage submissions from writers of every stripe.

What are we looking for?

We consider flash fiction a complete story in a tiny package.  We want developed empathetic characters and discernible, resolved plots.  Please no non-fiction or poetry.


  1. Open Office or Libre Office users:  Due to an incompatibility issue, when an Open Office or Libre Office file is converted to a .doc file the last line of text disappears in our Submittable Document Viewer.  To prevent this from happening to your story, PLEASE add a blank line at the end of your story by hitting 'Enter' after the last line.  For good measure, add 'END' followed by a blank line.
  2. Please do not use Flash Fiction Online to fulfill school assignments.
  3. We are currently not accepting parent/child themed stories or stories set in a bar/saloon/tavern.  


1. WE ACCEPT ORIGINAL, UNPUBLISHED FICTION. Stories published previously may be submitted to our REPRINT category.  We do not accept translations of third-party authors' work--current or public domain.

2. STORY LENGTH: 500 to 1000 WORDS.  Stories of fewer than 500 words or more than 1000 words will be immediately rejected.  No exceptions.
4. WE DO ACCEPT MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS.  You may have up to three stories in our slush pile at any given time.  Each story must be submitted separately.
5. OMIT ALL AUTHOR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FROM THE STORY FILE.  This includes name, address, phone, email, etc.  Make sure to remove author information from bylines, headers, and footers, the file name, etc. Include author information in the cover letter box of the submission form only.
6. INDICATED SCENE BREAKS ARE REQUIRED!  Please denote scene breaks with # or *.


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