Future House Publishing

 Full details 

We Want to Hear Your Story

Our team is looking for authors we can turn into rock stars and astronauts across all of space and time.

We’re looking for science fiction, fantasy, and middle grade adventure novels. We publish cinematic page-turners.

So bring us your dragons, your aliens, and your tales of bygone days, and we’ll bring our book-making magic.

We want to create a brand with you. We love authors who have plans for a series of three books or longer and want to leave a long-lasting legacy with each world they build.

Future House Publishing is an imprint of Familius. Future House books are distributed by Workman in partnership with Hachette and are represented for TV and film development by Kaplan Stahler Agency. Foreign rights are represented by DropCap Rights Agency

ion and fantasy, as well as middle grade adventure books that embrace community, liberty, and family.

We want stories that will challenge readers’ minds with innovative ideas.

We are a family-friendly publisher; we only consider manuscripts that follow our clean content guidelines. This includes no excessive profanity, sexual content, or graphic violence. Submissions containing such content will not be considered.

Science fiction and fantasy submissions should be aimed at ages 14+ or 18+ and should be approximately 70–90K words. Middle grade submissions should be 40–60K words and written for children ages 7+. Future House is not accepting picture book or early reader chapter book submissions.

We’re especially looking for series with three or more books.
Submit Your Manuscript.


Do you accept submissions from authors outside the United States?

Future House publishes adult science fiction and fantasy, as well as middle grade adventure books that embrace community, liberty, and family.

What do you mean by family-friendly?

We have strict content guidelines. We understand that some stories require this content in order to accomplish the purposes of the book, but Future House does not publish those types of books.

For the major guidelines, see below.

Swearing: Some light swearing may be acceptable. Submitting authors must be willing to edit all swearing out, if requested by our editors. This includes swearing in English as well as other real languages, but not swear words in fantasy or alien tongues.

Violence: While we enjoy action, violence should not be glorified or graphic. Deaths may occur, but there should be minimal blood and no entrails. Physical torture is unacceptable.

Sexual content: No sex scenes, on or off screen. Absolutely no rape. No references to genitalia or descriptions of nudity. No innuendo or crude humor. Descriptions of physical displays of affection (such as kissing) or physical attraction should be brief.

Controversial Topics: Future House does not publish books that delve into controversial political or religious issues, such as gun control, abortion, real-life political parties/candidates, or stories that portray real religious groups as the heroes or villains.

Additional rules may apply to your book that are not listed here.

If you are uncertain about your content, you can email us at with a description or example of the content.

Can I submit previously published or self-published manuscripts?

Yes. All previous ebook publications need to be discontinued from sale on any digital retailer and previous print publications would need to be out of print and removed from on-demand printing. The author must be in possession of all the rights. Please include information about the previous publication and previous sales of the book/series in our submission form. Our submission file format guidelines still apply to previously published titles. Do not send print-ready PDFs. If accepted, we will edit, design, and publish previously published titles through our normal publishing process.

Can I submit a sequel to a previously published or self-published book?

No, Future House will not publish partial series. If you wish to publish with us, submit the first book in the series. See above for details about submitting a previously published title

Should I submit my book to you? It’s about…

FHP ONLY reviews submissions sent through our form and the accompanying synopsis and manuscript delivery instructions. FHP does not review emailed queries, sample chapters, or partial manuscripts. We are happy to answer questions about our submission process or preferred genres over email, but we will not review author bios, outlines, queries, pitches, or other submission materials that have not been sent through our form.

If you are uncertain about the genres we accept, here are a few common misconceptions:

  • All manuscripts must have action-based conflict scenes.

  • We do not publish primarily introspective, romantic, or allegorical tales.

  • Fantasy stories should have magic as a central element from the very first chapter.

  • We also do not publish magical realism or paranormal romance.

  • Science fiction stories should have advanced technology, advanced science, or alien worlds in every chapter.

  • Being dystopian does not make a story science fiction. In order to be considered for publication, the manuscript must also include advanced technology, advanced science, or alien worlds.

Do you accept translations of books in other languages?

As long as the author or translator can work with our editors in English, we are happy to consider translated titles. In order to be considered, the manuscript must read naturally to native speakers or be able to read naturally with minor editing. The author’s and character’s voices must still be strong, despite being translated. We will put all manuscripts through our normal editing processes, even if they are already published in another language. This includes any necessary plot edits.

Will you translate my book into English?

FHP does not translate books. We only accept manuscripts that have already been translated into good English.

Will you review the first chapter while I finish writing/translating the book?

FHP does not review partial manuscripts or accept manuscripts in foreign languages. Submissions must already be  written or translated completely.

When should I submit?

Submissions are considered on a first come, first serve basis. Future House reserves the right to close submissions at any time.

How should I submit my series?

Future House is excited to work with authors who are ready to write a series of three or more books. But to submit, please submit only your first novel. It should be a standalone story with a complete plotline and only hints of the loose threads that will make up the story in books 2+. Let us know in our submission form  that you have plans for more books and what stage of drafting they are in.

Can I include artwork in my submission?

No, manuscript submissions should be text only. At this time Future House is not accepting picture book submissions or color illustrations. Do not include cover art. If you have black-and-white illustrations for your middle grade novel or a map for your fantasy novel, you may mention that in the book description. Future House may choose not to include illustrations or to hire our own illustrators, if we publish your book.

Do you make exceptions to your word count requirements?

Manuscripts more than 10K above or below our stated word count requirements will not be considered.

Can I submit multiple titles for your consideration?

Please only submit one manuscript at a time. Future House Publishing can only publish one title by an author during a publishing season, so we will only consider one manuscript by an author at a time.

Have questions not answered here? Use our contact form to ask for more information.

Submission queries sent through the contact form will not be considered. Do not send us outlines, summaries, or query letters.




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