
 Full details 

Banipal welcomes inquiries from both authors or translators about submitting work.

Before making any submission, do check out the contents of Banipal’s issues, and the selections that are on the website, in order to get a feel of the magazine.

Banipal magazine is a magazine of translation, exclusively featuring authors from the Arab world, apart from our Guest Literature section. The vast majority of works translated are commissioned by the editor from original works that already published, either in books, magazines, newspapers or in on-line media. A minority of works published are written originally in English.

If you are an author and feel your work is suitable for translation and publication in Banipal, please write, in the first instance, to the editor at in Arabic, or your mother tongue language, with details about yourself and the work's original publication. It is not necessary to send a translation.

If you are a translator, and wish to submit the translation of a short story, some poems or an extract or chapter of a novel, or would like to draw our attention to a particular author, please email the editor, in the first instance, on On submitting a translation, please ensure that a copy of the original is supplied along with the submitted translation.

Banipal welcomes postal submissions, as well as all inquiries by email. But please be advised that we cannot accept unsolicited submissions sent by email attachment, and any received will be automatically deleted. Correspondence following receipt of a postal submission will be made by email.

The return of a rejected submission is only possible if the submission is accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with the requisite stamps or International Reply Coupons. Correspondence by email is preferred.

Please be advised that there is a slow turn-round period for assessing submissions – between three and six months minimum.

Email address is:

Postal address is:

The Editor
1 Gough Square



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