Triangular Prism

 Full details 

Triangular Prism is open for submissions for its inaugural issue, scheduled for April 2024.

The submission period will end on the 15th of February, 2024.

We are looking for literary essays that engage deeply with one or more specific films or other creations of visual sequential art, written with insight and care.

We seek to publish writing that examines and calls attention to the distinctiveness, the importance, and the beauty of the artworks under discussion.

We are not looking for any kind of critiques or reviews, historical overviews, or broad generalisations.


All submissions must be sent via the submissions management platform, linked below.

Please note that, to submit, a fee of €2 is required.

Submit through Duosoma.

Essays should be strictly between 1000 and 4500 words and written in the English language. We strongly discourage the use of either footnotes or endnotes.

All work must be original and previously unpublished. We do not publish work that has appeared previously in any form, on paper or online. (If you are submitting simultaneously to several venues and are accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately or simply withdraw your submission via the platform.)

We read blindly. Your document should not include any personal identification, cover letter or bio. 

Only one submission per person is accepted per submission period.

We will try to respond in 3 to 4 weeks. We are not able to follow up on submissions individually, and will use the platform to respond. If your work is not accepted it may be for any number of reasons (especially the limited number of essays we publish) and not necessarily a reflection of the work’s quality.

Triangular Prism offers a payment of €15 per essay selected for publication. (Payments are made exclusively via PayPal or Stripe.) In addition, contributors will be offered free access on the site to the full issue in which they appear.


If selected for publication, writers will be asked to agree to the following conditions:

Being available to work with an editor to prepare their work for final publication. Editing may vary from minimal to extensive.

Granting Triangular Prism first serial rights and publishing exclusivity for one year. If the work is later reprinted elsewhere, we kindly ask the author to acknowledge its first appearance in Triangular Prism.

Granting the rights to republish in any future Triangular Prism anthologies in print, such as the planned end-of-each-year print issue (in the event of being selected for that effect).




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