Mystery Magazine

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Short Story Submission

Use the form on the site to send us your 1000-7500 word story or You-Solve-It mystery. Multiple submissions are not allowed. Submissions must be original works of short fiction that have never appeared online or in print in any form. Avoid scenes of animal cruelty or excessive profanity/violence. We pay 2¢/word USD for accepted stories. Our average response time is 4-6 weeks.

If your story is accepted, a digital agreement must be signed and payment will be sent by PayPal to the email address you specify below. Your story may appear in our monthly print and digital magazine, on our website, in audio format, in our App, as social media excerpts, and possibly in printed collections of our monthly issues. We require first-publication and archival rights with an exclusivity period of 2 years.

We are a Mystery Writers of America approved publisher.



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