oteh nîkân
Full details
oteh nîkân publishes writing by LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous writers year-round. We read submissions monthly and editorial decisions are communicated shortly thereafter.
When you submit, you’ll be asked to provide contact info, a short bio, and to designate community affiliation (i.e., to which First Nations, Metis, or Inuit community you belong).
We allow for simultaneous submissions; if your work is accepted elsewhere, please notify us as quickly as possible.
Poetry, fiction, and non-fiction (including scholarly writing and criticism).
Word count:
- Prose (fiction & non-fiction): up to 3000 words (one piece per submission).
- Scholarly writing and criticism are welcome and are considered non-fiction.
- Poetry: up to 1000 words per poem (up to 5 pages of poems).
- Prose: $300 CAD/per prose piece
- Poetry: $200 CAD/per poem
Payment guidelines will be communicated upon acceptance. We acquire first world digital publication rights in English; copyright remains with the writer.
We use Duotrope’s submission manager Duosoma for all submissions. This requires you to have a Duotrope account, but not a paid Duotrope subscription plan. The free account is all that is required to submit. You will be able to check on the progress of your submission using this account.

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