The TRP Southern Poetry Breakthrough Series

 Full details 

The TRP Southern Poetry Breakthrough Series highlights a first full-length collection by emerging authors from each state in the southern U.S.

Submissions open each year on December 1 and close on February 28.

The current state is South Carolina.

The next state will be Kentucky.

Guidelines and Submissions

Books in this series:

Submission Guidelines:

To submit please visit our online submission manager.

General Guidelines

  • Open to any poet born in South Carolina, currently residing in South Carolina, or who has lived in South Carolina for five consecutive years at any point, who has not yet published a full-length collection of poetry. The author may have published chapbooks or books in other genres.
  • There is no fee to enter.
  • There are no formal restrictions, we welcome poetry of any style/form.
  • Open to any poet writing in English. Translations are not eligible.
  • Poems may have been published individually in magazines or anthologies, but the collection as a whole must be unpublished.
  • Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please notify TRP immediately by withdrawing the manuscript via Submittable if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
  • Current and former students and faculty of Sam Houston State University are not eligible.
  • Submitters must be 18+ years of age.
  • Submissions are accepted through Submittable only.
  • Winner will receive a standard royalty contract, and 20 copies of the published book.

Manuscript Guidelines

  • Manuscripts must be between 50 and 100 pages in length.
  • Please include a table of contents, title page, acknowledgments page, and page numbers.
  • No more than one poem per page.
  • Submit as a .pdf, .docx, or .doc file format.
  • No revisions will be accepted once the manuscript is uploaded.


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