The Christian Century

 Full details 

f you are not familiar with the Christian Century, please read a couple issues before submitting a query. To order a back issue of the print edition, call 800-208-4097.

We seek to articulate the public meaning of faith, bringing the resources of religious tradition to bear on such topics as poverty, human rights, economic justice, international relations, national priorities, and popular culture. We are also interested in pieces that examine or critique the theology and ethos of individual religious communities. We welcome articles that find fresh meaning in old traditions and that adapt or apply religious traditions to new circumstances.

Authors should assume that readers are familiar with main themes in Christian history and theology, are accustomed to the historical-critical study of the Bible, and are already engaged in relating faith to social and political issues. Many of our readers are ministers or teachers of religion at the college level.

If you would like to write an article for the Century, please send a query to Please allow four to six weeks for a response from our editors.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions for our regular columns.

Book reviews

Book reviews are solicited by our books editor. Please note that submissions via e-mail will not be considered. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the Christian Century, please send your résumé and a list of subjects of interest to

Attn: Book reviews
the Christian Century
104 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60603-5901


We suggest reading the poems in the past several issues to gain a clearer idea of the kinds of poetry we are seeking. We publish poems that are grounded in images, that pay attention to the sounds of language and the forms of poetry even when the poems are written in free verse, and that upset the usual.

Please submit poetry to

Blogs and blog posts

The Century accepts submissions of original, unpublished guest posts for its website. Posts should be no more than 800 words long. Unfortunately, we are not able to pay for blog posts at this time; due to the time constraints of a daily publishing schedule, we also can't guarantee that bloggers will have a chance to approve edits. Please submit blog posts or queries to

The Century does not accept submissions of blogs and other websites to be listed on the site. We do, however, facilitate the CCblogs network, a community of independent bloggers. See the application guidelines.



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