
 Full details 

Querencia Press accepts poetry, fiction, non-fiction (including memoir), hybrid work, and occasionally visual art. We accept work through email - querenciapress@gmail.com. Please include a short, third-person bio and your pronouns in the body of your email and the genre you are submitting to in the subject line.

  • We are currently looking for chapbooks and full length manuscripts, as well as anthology submissions for our quarterly anthology. Submissions for Winter 2022 are open from 10/19 - 12/1. Anything received for this category outside of open submission periods will roll into the next unthemed anthology.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions and previously published work that has appeared in print or online (this includes blogs and social media). As long as you hold the copyright to the work, we want to see it!

  • You keep the rights to your work! Your work belongs to you!

  • Querencia Press does not charge a submission fee. If a manuscript is accepted, you will receive a contract with competitive royalty options, but we are a non-paying market for anthologies.

  • All submissions should be in a single .pdf, .doc, or .docx format, however we do not require any specific formatting guidelines. Do not send us Google Docs or Pages—we cannot use them across all of our devices, and if we have to ask for you to resend your submission in a different format, it increases your wait time (if you absolutely have to send Pages because of Apple, please inform us in the email and know we may take a bit longer to get to your submission). For anthology submissions we ask that you title your document with the genre and the number of pieces and to which anthology you are submitting (i.e. Poetry - 5 Pieces - Quarterly Anthology).

  • We do not tolerate sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism, or any other forms of bigotry. We do accept explicit content, but please provide a trigger warning so we know what we are reading.

  • Querencia is a small press. We have only two readers and one editor. We read and consider each submission carefully in the order that it is received, and we do not believe in silent rejections. You will receive a response. Please try to resist sending follow up emails regarding when your submission will be read. We are currently processing manuscript responses on about a 4 month turnaround due to the volume of submissions.

Manuscripts - We are looking for chapbooks and full-lengths in any genre. For chapbooks, we are seeking work with a minimum of 20 pieces or a minimum of 1,500 words. Work that exceeds 45 pieces or 30,000 words will be considered full-length. There is no page limit, but please let us know what genre the work falls into along with if you are submitting a chapbook or a full-length manuscript. We currently publish all manuscripts in a 6x9 softcover format, so if you have unique formatting you may want to see what your manuscript will look like in this size. Please submit your work in a single document (preferably .doc or .docx—any accepted manuscripts will need to be converted to this format).

Anthology Submission Guidelines

Querencia Press is currently working on an ongoing project of anthologies surrounding women’s, queer, trans, & Enby issues. Profits from each anthology will be donated to a different organization working to improve rights for women and queer people. These anthologies are open to any trans, enby, woman identifying, or ally. We are looking for work across all genres, including visual art, about any and all issues that come with being a woman, queer, trans, or Non-Binary person. TERF content will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Donations for the current project will be made to Saving Our Sisters - https://savingoursistersadoption.org/ *CLOSED - Next Window & organization TBA

Poetry - We accept submissions of up to five (5) pieces per person. There is no page or word count limit, but we will not read additional submissions in the same category unless you have received a response. Please submit your work in a single document.

Fiction, Non-fiction, & Hybrid - We accept submissions of up to three (3) pieces per person. There is no page limit. Please do not exceed 2,000 words per piece. We will not read additional submissions in the same category unless you have received a response. Please submit your work in a single document.

Visual Art - When we have openings for visual art, we accept visual art submissions of up to five (5) pieces per person. Please submit your work in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .tiff *note - if your work is accepted we may request a higher resolution image or for the format to be converted depending on the current project.

*Quarterly Anthology submissions for winter open from 10/19 - 12/1 - any anthology submissions sent outside of the submission window will roll over to our next anthology period.

We accept blog post submissions through the form at the bottom of each blog post. Instructions can be found there, as well. You can also email our blog curator, Meghan King at mkingquerenciapress@gmail.com

Querencia accepts all genres but we do have some hard sells - young children’s books (middle grade and YA are pretty likely to be accepted, depending on the message trying to be conveyed), cookbooks (we don’t really have an audience for this, so we probably aren’t going to be a good fit), poetry books that contain toxic positivity regarding healing and the timeline for healing, collections with more than 10% micro poetry, historical/period romance, historical fiction centered on war, nonfiction work that is religious, sports, or travel related. We do not have a word count limit, but the higher outside of your genres typical word count, the less likely we will be to accept.



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