Wet Cement Press

 Full details 

Wet Cement Press is a small press based in Berkeley, California, with editors in Reno, Nevada, and Asheville, North Carolina. We typically publish 3-5 books a year, with a focus on poetry, innovative memoir / creative non-fiction, experimental fiction and hybrid work combining image and text. Our first love is creating simple yet wonderful print volumes, but we are also exploring eBooks and other modes of digital publishing. 



Wet Cement Press was started by a group of writers who once lived and worked together in San Francisco. We have worked in publishing in New York and San Francisco, several of us were involved in the Five Fingers Review. Our tastes run toward the lyrical and spontaneous, the raw and unsmooth. We are interested in writers & artists who are established in their craft but have not yet been recognized, perhaps because their work is not easily classifiable, or because it falls outside of current trends and approaches. We also support work by more recognized writers and artists that represents a departure from what they are generally known for. 



BOOKS — If you have a manuscript that seems to resonate with our list, send us a query and tell us about it. If your vision intrigues us, we will ask to see your manuscript, which we will read with care and respond to personally. Lyricism, far-flung locations, daring, desperation, and experimentation are all of interest. Send queries to editor@wetcementpress.com. Subject line: Book Manuscript.

Digital Chapbooks — eBook only chapbooks available for download and from Apple Books, the Kindle store, and elsewhere. Submissions should be between 10 and 50 pages. We're looking for work that is subtle, conscious and bold. Poetry, fiction, prose, visual, hybrid. Send submissions to editor@wetcementpress.com, subject line: Digital Chapbook.

WCP Magazine — Published erratically, that is when the work is there. Sometimes theme based, sometimes not. The magazine is our platform for exploring multiple voices, new ideas and old. It's a test bed and a possibility generator. Send submissions to editor@wetcementpress.com. Subject line: WCP Magazine.



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