Letter Review

 Full details 

New writing has the ability to inspire, educate, and transform our lives. Everyone has an important message to share, whether you are published or unpublished, new to writing or experienced. We are excited to read your work.

We believe in the importance of supporting writers and so are currently open to unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. 

See our guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

  • We are open to submissions all year round.
  • Submissions are open to writers from everywhere in the world.
  • There are no theme or genre restrictions.
  • You will receive an automated confirmation email. We aim to respond within 3 months. 
  • We pay $50 USD upon publication. There is a service charge of $4 USD per submission for our regular submissions.
  • You may submit multiple times.
  • All submissions must be the original work of the author, and previously unpublished. This includes online publication. Work that has been circulated as part of a writing course is acceptable as long as access is password protected. 
  • The submission must not be under contract elsewhere, and the author must have copyright to every element of the work. 
  • Submissions must not be defamatory, obscene, unlawful, or libelous. Fiction must be entirely fictional, and any resemblance to persons a coincidence. 
  • We do not publish translations. 
  • Copyright remains with the author upon publication. Letter Review requires a three month exclusive right to publication from the date of first publication, and a non exclusive indefinite right to publish after the first three months.
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed but please inform us that you are withdrawing your piece as soon as it is accepted elsewhere by sending an email to submissions@letterreview.com with ‘Withdrawal’ in the subject line. 
  • Alterations and refunds will not be possible.
  • Please submit in a word doc (.doc or .docx), with numbered pages, and in size 12 font. Poetry may include text of any size. 
  • We are not currently resourced to provide feedback.
  • Online submissions only please.  

Fiction Submissions

  1. Submit up to 3000 words per service charge. 
  2. Include a short bio of not more than 200 words.

Poetry Submissions

  1. Submit up to 5 poems not exceeding 15 pages per service charge.
  2. Include a short bio of not more than 200 words.

Nonfiction Submissions

  1. Submit up to 5000 words per service charge.
  2. Please include a detailed abstract which gives a summary of the entire piece including your conclusions.
  3. Include a short bio of not more than 200 words.

How To Submit

  1. Please submit to submissions@letterreview.com 
  2. Please pay one service charge per submission using the secure PayPal button below. Please acknowledge payment of the service charge in your email. If the name associated with your payment method differs from your writing submission, please inform us so that we can track your payment. 


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