Korero Press

 Full details

We accept book submissions by email and we review all proposals, but please familiarise yourself with Korero Press’s publications before sending us anything. Our love of lowbrow and pop surrealism drives us to focus on pop culture and art, in particular kustom kulture, street art, illustration, erotica and horror. We know what we like and are quick to determine whether or not we are interested in a new idea. No novels. We do illustrated books.

We prefer strong content over perfect presentation, but do try to include the following in your submission:

  • your contact details
  • a one-page covering letter giving a brief description of the project and outlining why you think Korero Press should publish it.
  • author/illustrator/photographer biography(s) that include publishing credits and relevant credentials.
  • a detailed synopsis/outline, including chapter headings, an introduction, sample illustrations and/or photographs.
  • a market analysis of the potential readership for the book. Who is the reader? What appeal it has?, etc.
  • a list of similar titles, if any, including the publisher, date of publication, and a brief explanation of how your book differs from what’s currently available.

Email submissions to: info@koreropress.com



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