
 Full details 

Sasee encourages writers and artists to submit work for review to be included in an upcoming issue. We are always interested in reading editorial we may be able to publish and viewing artwork that may be suitable for an upcoming cover.

You will find guidelines and requirements for submission of your work below.

Submissions Calendar

Please email Sasee Editor, for the complete editorial calendar and descriptions for upcoming months.

Writer Submission Guidelines

Sasee welcomes editorial submissions from freelance writers. We are looking for new, unpublished, first-person, non-fiction material that is for or about women. Essays, humor, satire, personal experience, and features on topics relating to women are our primary editorial focus. Diversity of subjects that reflect all age groups and variety of writing styles are invited.

Articles should be no more than 500 to 1000 words in length. Sasee reserves the right to edit articles for length and content. Payment for articles varies. Please submit only previously unpublished, non-fiction articles.

Sasee does not publish fiction or poetry and will not be able to respond to such submissions.

What to include

  • Contact information (name, address, phone, e-mail, fax)
  • Short bio (25 – 30 words)
  • Photo/Headshot

How to submit

E-mail your submission to Please include the month(s) of consideration in the subject line. We ask that you please send the text of your article in plain text in the body of your e-mail, rather than as an attached file, as we may not be able to read the format of your file.

We do our best to respond to all non-fiction submissions promptly, but due to volume and deadlines, it is not always possible to do so. However, rest assured, if your article is selected, you will be notified. Be patient though, because your article may be perfect for a future issue.

Cover Artwork Submission Guidelines

For each issue of Sasee, our cover will house a piece of artwork. We are currently seeking artists of any medium who feel that their original work exemplifies women. We do not pay for cover art. If your artwork is selected, however, we will include a short bio on you and your contact info/website.

What to include

  • Contact information (name, address, phone, e-mail, fax)
  • Short bio (25 – 30 words)

Submit digital artwork

We ask that you please send your work in one of the following formats:

  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • PDF

Please send all work at 300dpi so that we may view it at an optimum resolution.

Digital artwork may be sent via email

E-mail your submission as an attachment:

Set up an in-studio visit or portfolio review

If you live in the Myrtle Beach area in South Carolina, we will be glad to set up an appointment to meet with you or take your portfolio for review. Please contact our Photography Directory for more information at or by phone at 843-626-8911.

We do our best to respond to all artwork submissions promptly, but due to volume, it is not always possible to do so. If your artwork is selected for the next issue, you will be notified very soon. If you do not hear from us right away, your submission may be selected for a future issue, and we will contact you as that issue approaches. We cannot guarantee that all submitted artwork will be selected for a cover of Sasee.

Thank you for your interest in Sasee and your willingness to submit your work. We are excited to bring your talents to our readers, and we look forward to all that you have to contribute.

Sasee Magazine




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