Water Dragon Publishing

 Full details 

We are delighted you’re considering working with us, and genuinely look forward to seeing your story!

We are primarily interested in:

  • science fiction
  • fantasy
  • science fiction or fantasy genre non-fiction

Note: Submissions for the “Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy” are currently by invitation only.

If your submission is:

Note: We are not accepting simultaneous submissions at this time.

Here are some basic guidelines that will help make all of our lives easier. Please make sure you read them, and also our About Us page.

Manuscript Formats

Send us your complete, finished manuscripts in digital format, using a standard book manuscript format in .DOCX, .RTF, or .ODT format to submissions (at) waterdragonpublishing.com.

If you’re not sure what a manuscript format is, here’s a good source. Except please, not Courier. Or Comic Sans.

Include the following in your cover letter/email:

  • Title of your book
  • Your legal name
  • Your preferred name (if different from your legal name)
  • Your preferred email address
  • Genre
  • Approximate word count
  • Synopsis
  • … and if you have one, a marketing plan or ideas about audience is also most helpful.

Submission Deadlines

We generally accept submissions February through October.

We will try to acknowledge receipt of your manuscript within 72 hours. We’ll also try to let you know whether or not we’re interested in working with you to publish your book within 90 days after that. Both of these periods may vary, though, depending on the number of manuscripts we’ve received during that time.

Contacting Us

Please don’t contact us about the status of your manuscript unless at least 90 days have passed since we acknowledged receiving it. If you did not receive a acknowledgement, please feel free to contact us.

Submissions FAQ

Short answer

However long it takes for you to tell your story.

Longer answer

We’re open to books pretty much of any length. For short stories, please look at the additional requirements for our Dragon Gems short fiction program. In terms of a standard, we use the SFWA guidelines for word count.

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