Knight Errant Press

 Full details 

We are open for submissions. 


To get an idea of the kind of work we are looking to publish, please see the guidelines below, have a look at our books and peruse the reading list from our team.


We are looking to embrace our LGBTQI+ roots and want to read submissions by LGBTQI+ writers, preferably featuring queerness and queer characters. We want to hear from LGBTQI+ writers who are Q/BPOC, working class, disabled and neurodivergent.


This year we are intrigued to read more trans prose, horror, climate fiction, sapphic prose, sexy LGBTQI+ stories and science fiction and fantasy. 


We like accessible writing, a plot or a narrative voice that keeps us up at night and characters and ideas that stick with us long after the last page of the book. And we like a dash of humour, although being funny isn’t compulsory.


We accept submissions written in Scots and English. We are also open to considering works in translation. If you are a translator with a book that you think will fit Knight Errant - don’t hesitate to get in touch.



Please read these through and follow them, it makes the process easier on all of us. Submissions that do not meet our guidelines (e.g. you send us a full manuscript with little to no introduction and it doesn’t fit our criteria) won’t be considered. We are a small team and reading time is precious, please be considerate.


If you require assistance submitting your work, for whatever reason, please get in touch with us via our contact form or socials and we will try our best to help you and make the process easier.


  • Novellas (20,000+ words), shorter novels (up to 80,000 words); preferably stand-alone

  • Long-form non-fiction essays/collections (20,000-80,000 words)

  • Short story collections (as above)

  • Graphic novels (under 100 pages)

  • Flash fiction collections (as above)

  • Poetry collections (minimum 25 poems)


Audience: adult, YA (teens, 12-18; the work should be suitable for younger readers, both in terms of accessibility and content)


We accept submissions from all writers. We will accept works in progress and finished manuscripts. If your submission is a work in progress, please provide us with as many details as you can, so that we can make an informed decision. We also accept submissions that are co-authored (e.g. Seven Devils by Elizabeth May and Laura Lam)


Email subject line should read: WIP or COMPLETE - FORMAT (novel/la, poetry, short stories, etc.)  - AUTHOR NAME - WORK TITLE or 1-5 WORD SUMMARY


The email: should introduce yourself (Who are you? Why were you drawn to write this book? What do you like? Why is Knight Errant a fit for your book?) and your work (a brief overview of the plot and capturing a sense of what to expect as a reader).


Please mention genre, target audience, word count and comparative titles if relevant (e.g. Under the Skin by Michel Faber x The Wilds, Amazon TV series). 


Please also provide the following, based on the type of submission.


Send us, in PDF form (if possible, but not crucial) with numbered pages, a sample of your work:

  1. Novel(las): 30 pages and a brief synopsis of the plot in the email introduction.

  2. Non-fiction: 30 pages and a brief outline of the work in the email introduction. You can pitch a non-fiction idea to us. If you send us a pitch, please attach to your introductory email at the very least 3 samples of writing. These should be broad in scope and be representative of your skills as a writer, links and attachments both fine. Please also write at least 200 words explaining why you are the person to write on this topic.

  3. Short story and flash fiction collections: 30 pages or three pieces, whichever is shortest, round off so that we don’t get cut off half way through a story; and a separate document with an outline of the stories included in the full collection including very brief summaries of each, several sentences will be enough. See 'Important Technical stuff' 2.

  4. Poetry collections: 6 poems.

  5. Graphic novels: one chapter or 15 pages in chronological order. Please also provide a link to your art portfolio or other examples of your work.

Send us an email to addressing it to ‘Nathaniel and Lenka’. 

Closing: 1 September 2022 (this may change based on how many submissions we receive and take on board)

Expect to hear from us: 1) to acknowledge receipt of submission and 2) up to 4 weeks from receipt with a decision.

Important technical stuff


  1. We do not accept WeTransfer or Google Docs.

  2. Please let us know if any part of your work was published previously elsewhere and if you have permission to re-publish. For collections, please attach a separate document to your email with a list of prior publications, noting if you have permission to reprint.

  3. If you are using artwork from another creator or using extensive quotes in your work, please make sure you clear permissions with the original author, and clearly state your sources. 

  4. If there are multiple creators involved in your work, please include their biographies and describe their involvement in your introductory email.



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