Prose Online

 Full details

Prose Online is a literary journal committed to publishing work made accessible to all.

At, we offer an online venue to share prose alongside audio, captioned video, and screen-reader accessible images, so every reader is included. We pay $20 per piece of writing. Prose Online is a project of Poetry Online, a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in Minneapolis, MN. 

We have no strict style or theme. We accept submissions of flash and short prose, fiction and nonfiction, both traditional and experimental. For a hint at what we enjoy, check out the prose we love. We aim to publish at least three [3] new writers each month. 

By submitting to us, you also warrant that you are the sole creator of the work, you are who you say you are, and that publishing it will not infringe on any others' rights. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Prose Online and its staff from and against any and all claims resulting from a breach of this warranty.

If you are a member, please consider reporting your submission on Duotrope: It helps us keep track of things.

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