Lunch Ticket

 Full details 


  • Lunch Ticket’s 21st Issue comes out in June 2022.
  • The submission window for Lunch Ticket's issue #21 is February 1st to March 1st.
  • The submission window for Amuse-Bouche is January 15th to April 15th.
  • Our submission window for Visual Art is rolling. We review VA submissions all year.
  • Submitting to Lunch Ticket is always free.
  • There is no age requirement to submit to our magazine. Submissions from individuals younger than 18 are acceptable and encouraged.
  • We welcome multilingual submissions in all genres.
  • For all genres, contests, and Amuse-Bouche you will receive a selection notification. We will contact you no matter the result of your submission.

Lunch Ticket is an online literary and visual art journal, published in June and December. We are proud to host two prizes, the Diana Woods Memorial Award in Creative Nonfiction, and the Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts. We publish content throughout the year in our Amuse-Bouche series, featuring an individual writer or artist every other week. 


This cycle, anyone hoping to be considered for the Gabo Prize for Translation & Multilingual Texts should submit their work directly to our Literary Translation Reading Team. All Translation submissions will be automatically considered for the prize. 

Anyone hoping to be considered for the Diana Woods Memorial Prize in Creative Nonfiction should submit their work directly to our Create Nonfiction Reading Team. All CNF submissions will be automatically considered for the prize. 

Notes About Publication

If your piece is selected, Lunch Ticket retains the first North American serial rights of the work to publish, produce, reproduce, distribute, and market. All other remaining rights revert to the author upon publication. If the work is published again, we ask for a credit line to indicate that the work first appeared in Lunch Ticket.

We encourage submissions from Antioch University Alumni, but we require that two or more years have passed since their graduation. (Please see our “About” page for further opportunities for students and recent graduates.) We do not accept submissions from the AULA MFA program’s faculty or staff for publication in any section of the journal.

Literary Translation note: Please refer to standard Lunch Ticket guidelines for either poetry or prose. Your submission should include the original work along with your translation. We also require a statement that grants us permission to publish both the original work and the translation online, and that certifies that you have received permission from the original rights holder (either the publisher or the author, as applicable) to grant us such rights. Please read more information here

Thank you for your interest in submitting to Lunch Ticket. We look forward reviewing your submission!



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