A Velvet Giant

 Full details 

Please send your submission as an attachment consisting of no more than 3 pieces, 10 pages total maximum (writing double-spaced), attached to one email as a single file. We are open to work that takes the shape of basically any format: words, recordings, visual art, hybrid forms, etc. We are open to translated original work. If you submit a “found” or “after” piece of writing, please credit the text you are sourcing from and include the source text with your submission for reference.

We do not categorize work by genre, so please do not tell us what genre you're sending us (if you know). If you include a cover letter (welcome, but not required), you might say something along the lines of  “included are three pieces of writing” rather than “three poems.” We strongly encourage you to read our journal prior to submitting.

All submissions should be sent to the editors at avelvetgiant@gmail.com with the subject line “SUBMISSION” along with the number of pieces you are  (e.g. “SUBMISSION — 3 PIECES”).

In the body of your email, please include a short, third-person bio, to be featured alongside any piece or pieces accepted for publication. You may include links to social media profiles and/or a description or explanation of your work, although this is not required.

Please only send previously unpublished work. However, we are open to reprints if the work you are submitting was previously published in a defunct journal.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Let us know if your submission is accepted for publication elsewhere before we're able to get back to you.

We ask that past contributors wait at least 6 months following their publication to submit future work for consideration. Please wait 1 month to resubmit if you have received a rejection.


Send us the stuff you’re excited about!

We pay our contributors $20 per author upon publication.

what are we
looking for?

Please read our about page and previous issues to learn what we are interested in reading and publishing.

We are especially interested in work by genderqueer & LGBTQ+ people, women, people of color, global writers, people living with disability and/or chronic pain/illness, and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Please do NOT send us work that is misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise oppressive or exploitative in nature. If you’re not sure, don’t send it.

after you submit

We ask for first rights, and we ask that any future publications of accepted work will acknowledge A Velvet Giant.


Donated funds are used to pay our illustrator and published writers, as well as to maintain the website.



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