Theatre Ariel

 Full submissions


Theatre Ariel is always seeking the next great Jewish play to present to our audiences. Anyone may submit through the process outlined below. Theatre Ariel is looking for plays that engage with the rich world of Jewish life, thought and practice; plays where Judaism, Jewish identity or Jewish perspectives are significant or driving factors in the story (In other words, not plays where the characters ‘happen’ to be Jewish or that have a few yiddishisms or “Jewish jokes” in them, but plays where Jewish life/thought/history is integral or particularly relevant to the story.). Theatre Ariel seeks plays with casts of five actors or less.

You do not have to be Jewish to have your work considered by Theatre Ariel. 

All our performances are presented as salon-style theatre readings in people’s homes, following a long tradition of Jewish theatre. For the foreseeable future, we will be presenting in a hybrid model of both in-person and virtual performances. 

To have your script considered, please email the following to

  • Brief cover letter introducing yourself and your play, as well as a short plot summary and character breakdown (indicating doubling, if any)

  • Ten minute excerpt from the script (if these are not the first ten pages, then please supply a brief explanation of where we are in the story when your sample picks up)

Theatre Ariel is committed to reading and responding to every submission we receive. Please allow three to six months for a response. 

Please forward any questions you may have to the same email address listed above.



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