The Whte Review

 Full submissions 

What we’re looking for 


We publish reviews, essays, long-form interviews with artists and writers, fiction, poetry and series of artworks. The print issue is published three times a year, and new online content is published weekly.


Please take a look at our website and previous issues to familiarise yourself with the kind of work we publish. 


We consider all submissions for print and online, bearing in mind our print features are a minimum of 1,500 words, with the exception of poetry.


How to submit to THE WHITE REVIEW 


All submissions, both fiction and non-fiction, must be in English and previously unpublished. Submissions should include a short author’s bio. Translations are welcome and should be accompanied by a copy of the original text.


We accept pitches for essays, reviews and interviews, in addition to drafts. If you wish to pitch, please include an outline of your idea in no more than 300 words, and, if relevant, links to previously published work. We do not publish reviews of art exhibitions that have already closed, so please pitch early – ideally before an exhibition has opened.


We are not currently open to submissions of poetry.


We pay £100 for all works published in print and online.


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