Interstellar Flight Press

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Essay Submissions - OPEN

Interstellar Flight Magazine is seeking essays on pop culture, movies, geekery, and scifi/fantasy related topics. ​Submissions are open year-round. (Please note: We close to submissions briefly at the end of each year from 12/15-1/15 to work on our anthology. Submissions sent during this time will be read after the break.) 

We want essays on popular culture, movies, books, video games, SFF culture, conventions, and anything else geeky. We love reviews but believe that the goal of criticism should be to know and understand not to like or dislike. The tone of our essays are conversational and accessible, but we do enjoy a good academic debate. We're always interested in hearing from underrepresented and marginalized voices. How you define that is up to you.

  • Essays should be 250-1500 words.
  • Please submit in .doc, .docx, or .rtf form.
  • Essays should be timely, i.e. that movie you just saw and loved/hated, a book that just came out, or a current topic of discussion online. 
  • Please include links as hyperlinks in your document. Please do not include images (Tweet embeds are fine). 
  • You may also submit pitches (max 100 words). Send us several ideas at once if you like. 
  • We prefer not to publish articles that only work as a series (we are not a "monthly" or "quarterly" publication, so series columns don't really work for us.)  Instead focus on one thing and dive deep into it. 
  • Reprint essays are fine if they are relevant, but we regret that we cannot pay for reprints at this time.
Payment is $15 on publication. We regret that we are only able to make payments via Paypal at this time. Simultaneous submissions are fine, just let us know if you need to withdraw. Articles are published under First North American Rights and may be provided as members-only content on a future Patreon page. (We'll let you know if we'd like to use your essay there). If accepted, writers will be asked to create a Medium profile. Submissions are only accepted through the submission form. Please do not email submissions.

Book Submissions 

Call for Nonfiction Proposals - Open 
Interstellar Flight Press is accepting submissions of book-length nonfiction manuscripts. We invite scholars of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and related genres to submit proposals via our submission form. Our areas of focus are: Books about SFF genres, writing speculative fiction, poetry, film, comics, pop culture, diverse and marginalized voices, feminism, and disability, as long as these topics intersect with speculative genres. We are very interested in books from researchers outside the U.S. We also welcome collections of essays. Authors should be experienced in the field of SFF research. 
  • Full-length books 30,000-125,000 words. 
  • Please use our Proposal Format to prepare your submission. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere. 
  • Multiple submissions are allowed. 
  • If your book is in-progress, please include a delivery schedule in your proposal. 
This call will remain open for the foreseeable future. Please query us after 90 days if you have not received a response. 



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