The Blood Pudding

 Full details 

H O W : T O : S U B M I T :

All submissions are to be made on our submittable page. Please read our schedule and rules below before knocking on for us. Have a gander at our about page too. It’s all good advice.

S C H E D U L E :


G E N E R A L  S U B M I S S I O N S: 

General submissions ($4) ensure that we are able to continue to web-host such fantastic work, to pay the myriad Submittable fees and to pay our contributors amongst the other here-and-there hands that dip into the pot for some cream and cheddar and dough. It’s an exercise in balance.

C L O S E D for submissions: August

We close for submissions in August primarily to catch up on reading and, hey, maybe even take a little break on the beach, with a few books of course. Addicts.

G E N E R A L : R U L E S :

Multiple submissions are not allowed. One submission per person, to the appropriate genre. If multiple submissions are made, all submissions will be rejected unread. Please wait for a response to your submission before submitting again.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please withdraw your piece through Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere.

F O R M A T T I N G : Double space. Poetry can be single or otherwise. She is hip like that. Sans serif font please (eg. arial, helvetica, times). We prefer .doc and .docx files but also accept PDF, if you must.

W O R D  C O U N T S : Flash up to 1000. Short stories and non-fiction 1000-4000. Poetry no word count. We do publish outside word counts, but rarely. Up to 6000, for example. All depends on the work. Each must be considered in its own light.

P A Y M E N T : We are a paying market. Contributors will be paid $40 per piece. Payments will be made via Paypal. Please not that payments cannot be made any other way.

E X P E D I T E D : In all open submission months, on all submission genres, an expedited box can be selected to send your submission into our expedited inbox for a fee of $5. We will respond to all expedited submissions within 14 days.



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