The London Magazine

 Full details 

ince John Lehmann re-launched The London Magazine in 1954, we have aspired to publish the best in contemporary fiction and poetry, alongside incisive and erudite essays, features and reviews. This approach has allowed us to unearth the best emerging writers in the last seven decades.

We are interested in a wide variety of topics and styles of writing. Writers should carefully review the guidelines below before submitting work via our online portal. Similarly, we find those who are familiar with the publication stand a far better chance of having their submissions accepted, so we do recommend reading the latest copy of our print journal which can be purchased using the link below:

Buy the latest issue

A note from the editors

Commissioned articles received by a member of the editorial team are subject to editorial approval. Those accepted for the website will only receive a fee unless they are accepted for print also.

The editorial team will edit your piece, sometimes extensively. Our editors will work with you to craft something that is the right tone, length, and quality for The London Magazine. The editor has the final say on the title and the final proof, though we endeavor to take into account your preferences where appropriate.

Due to volume, we regret that we are unable to respond to submissions individually, unless your piece is accepted for publication in print or online. If you haven’t heard back from us within 8 weeks, please assume that your submission has not been accepted on this occasion.

While we do occasionally publish extracts from existing books and collections, for general submissions to The London Magazine please only send previously unpublished work. If you are interested in publishing an extract with us, please email with ‘Extract’ in the subject line.

Any and all conflicts of interest must be disclosed up front. We will include them in your author bio as a rule.


Before submitting, please download and carefully read The London Magazine Style Guide:

The London Magazine Style Guide

Non-Fiction pieces should be between 800 and 2,000 words.

For Short Fiction, above all we look for elegance in style, structure and characterisation. We are open to both experimental and traditional forms, although we do not normally publish genre fiction such as science fiction or fantasy writing, or erotica. Please make sure they are no more than 4,000 words in length.

Poetry should display a commitment to the ultra-specificities of language, and show a refined sense of simile and metaphor. The structure should be tight and exact. Poems should be no longer than 40 lines.



Work should be submitted either via Submittable or by email. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please do not duplicate material and we ask that you notify us if your submission is accepted elsewhere. 

We wish you the best of luck with your submission. 


To submit through Submittable, please create an account and send your writing through the online portal.

Submit via our online portal

  • Please do not duplicate submissions
  • If submitting multiple pieces through Submittable, please combine them into one document. 
  • Please ensure you have submitted your piece through the correct Submittable category. For example, a short story submitted in the poetry category will not be considered. Note that running competitions will have their own Submittable category, which will be clearly signposted.

Postal Submissions

Whilst postal submissions will be considered, submission via Submittable or email is strongly preferred. If you do send your submission via post, please make sure to include your contact details. 

Our postal address is:

The London Magazine
Flat 5, 11 Queen’s Gate
London SW7 5EL



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