Nightlight Pod

 Full details 

We are open for submissions on even months between February and August.

Are you Black? It doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re from, or where you are now–as long as you’re Black and you write horror, you are welcome to submit!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Story submissions should be no longer than 10,000 words.
  • We may occasionally do short fiction episodes for stories less than 3,000 words, so feel free to submit shorter stories–it just may be a bit longer before your story airs.
  • Please send only one submission to us at a time.
  • Simultaneous submissions (sending the same story to multiple publications) are okay.
  • We respond within 4-6 weeks. If you found another home for your work, let us know ASAP.
  • We do give personalized feedback, so long as your submission falls within our submission guidelines. If we reject your story, you can submit a different story at any time, but you’ll only get feedback for stories submitted 12 months after the initial rejection.
  • We pay for exclusive audio (first world) and electronic publishing rights for 6 months after the air date.
  • We also reserve the right to continue to broadcast, promote, and/or link to your story on our website/podcast, but after six months, you can publish your story in any format elsewhere.
  • We only accept reprints that have not been published in audio format previously. Just let us know your story has appeared elsewhere and where so we can credit properly.
  • We do have plans to eventually publish “Best Of” anthologies. Should we decide to include your piece, we’ll ask your permission first and you’ll be paid for inclusion.

If you have any questions, hit us up on Twitter @nightlightpod.

How We Pay

  • If we accept your story (over 3,000 words), we’ll pay you $200. We send money via Venmo and the Cash App, but can also do PayPal if you don’t have Venmo or Cash (but we super don’t want to).
  • Short fiction (less than 3,000 words) is paid at $75 per story.
  • Reprints are paid $50 per story.
  • We’ll pay you when the story is narrated, usually a few days before your episode goes live. You can offer to narrate your own story, but keep in mind we may choose another narrator if we feel sound quality or style doesn’t match our brand.

Submit Your Story

Want to Perform a Story For Us?

If you want to apply to be a narrator for NIGHTLIGHT, fill out this form. Please let us know if you are a member of another marginalized community (LGBTQIA, Muslim, Disabled, etc) so we can reach out to you for stories which feature characters in your community. Voice actors are paid $1.50 per finished minute of audio.

Apply to be a Voice Actor



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