Chorus App

 Full details 


The competition is open to everyone, with the exception of Business Account users, individuals involved in judging the entries, and employees of Chorus App and their immediate families.

Originality & Number Of Entries

Multiple entries per account are permitted in each judging cycle. However, all entries need to be distinctively different, focusing on a totally new subject than previous entries, otherwise they will be automatically rejected.

Only unpublished work is eligible for this competition and entrants agree to this when entering the competition. Previous publication is considered to include on or in a newspaper, newsletter, magazine, anthology, chapbook, book, website, electronic magazine, personal blog, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

If work has previously appeared even in print or small circulated media, this is still considered previous publication. No work that has been excerpted elsewhere is eligible for submission; nor is a work that has been revised since its original publication.

Objectives & Rules

The best discoveries are made through word-of-mouth recommendations. That’s why we’re scouting the best content creators to share stories about their neighbourhoods and their favourite  small businesses.

Stories must be a minimum of 150 words and are recommended to be 300 words. Stories must be written in English. They must also be accompanied by a minimum of 2 relevant images.

All images must be of high quality and either created by the author, have a copyright belonging to the author, or be is stock-free/free for editorial use. The author will be held responsible for any copyright infringements.

To enter the competition you need to have registered as a Chorus Voice.

All work needs to be submitted either through the app or from the Chorus Voices web interface.

The competition will run in two cycles: from the first day of the month to the 15th day of the month, and; from 16th day of the month to end of the month. The first winner will be selected on 15th August 2021 and the competition cycles will continue from then.

Works received in each cycle will be put into the same entry pool.

All works that are submitted and approved by the editorial team will be published on the app and will be promoted as designated by the Chorus Team.

All entrants will be contacted by email letting them know of the status of their work after the closure of the cycle they entered in.


Two prizes will be awarded to the submitted entries that have been approved for publication.

  • Best Writer Prize: £250 (or equivalent in your local currency) will be paid to the best entry in each fortnightly pool.
  • Random Prize Winner: All other approved entries from each month's two cycles will then be put into a grand prize draw, with a random entry picked at the end of the month to receive a prize of £500 (or equivalent in your local currency).

All stories submitted must be valid for publication at least one month after the competition's closing date.

The winners will be contacted two weeks after closing dates of the fortnightly or monthly competitions and will receive their prize within 2 weeks after accepting their prize.

A minimum of 15 stories must be approved before judging can take place. Otherwise, stories from that period will be added to the following weeks entries, and this will be repeated until the minimum needed number of approved storeis is reached.

In order for the random price draw to take place, there must be a minimum of 50 approved stories in that pool. If this amount has not been met for that specific month, the stories from that month will be entered into the random pool for the following month.

All prizes will be directly transferred to the entrants via PayPal.

Chorus reserves the right to promote the competition, all entries approved and the winning entries on all forms of media, at any time.


Judging is performed blind, that is to say, without access to entrant’s usernames, personal details, or any other data. Judging is anonymous. All entries will initially be judged by the Chorus Voices Editor who will select the best Stories before submitting to the Chorus Team to select winning entries.

Chorus reserves the right not to award the Best Writer prize if they feel none of the entries are of sufficient standard.

Destruction Of Unsuccessful Entries

All entry submissions become property of Chorus App, however unsuccessful entries will remain unpublished and will be destroyed 30 days after winning entrants have been notified.


Chorus App, its partners, and sponsors, shall not be liable for any loss or damage or for any personal injury sustained as a result of entering this competition.


The author retains the copyright to their submissions, but grants Chorus App use and publication upon submission, with no restrictions whatsoever.

Data Handling

By applying to become a Chorus Voice, you acknowledge that your information will be held by Chorus App for processing. Your email address is required for communications regarding your application to become a Chorus Voice, and subsequent notifications relating to Chorus Voice posts. Your email address will subsequently be linked to the Chorus App account you applied with. Data included on unsuccessful applications will be destroyed 30 days after winning entrants have been notified.

Express Agreement

Entry is taken to be express agreement to all competition rules by participants.

Chorus reserves the right to close or cancel the Chorus Voices competition at anytime with no prior notice and will not be liable in any way for doing so.

By participating in the competition, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.



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