Lume Books

 Full details 

Do you have a story in you?

We are looking for brilliant writing in the genres below, whether it be from traditionally or self-published authors, or from estates whose out-of-print works are ready for a new generation of readership.

Crime fiction
 If it puts us on the edge of our seat with jaw-dropping, twisty thrilling action, or if it’s a cosy mystery that sends us to the fireside, send it in!

Historical fiction
From the war-torn battlefields of the medieval world to the lethal lanes of Victorian London, if it’s authentic and transports us back in time, we’d love to read it.

Histories, true crime, biographies, memoirs. Is there an individual or event that has been ignored by history? Does it have something urgent to say about our times? Or is it just an amazing untold true story?

Although these are our main areas of interest, we are open to writing from a variety of genres. However, we do not currently publish children’s literature, poetry, short stories or erotica.

Please note, we are currently not accepting submissions from debut writers.



Along with the first 10,000 words of the manuscript, please include the following with your submission:

• A brief synopsis that tells us what the book is about and why readers will love it.
• A bit about yourself – is this your 100th book or your debut? What inspired you to write it?
• The word count.
• A short list of published comparable titles.

Please send your submission as a word document to
We will do our best to get back to you within 6-8 weeks.

We’re excited to read your story.



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