Leavings Lit Mag

 Full details 

Submission Guidelines


We accept submissions of poetry, prose, photography, and art, though we will consider any creative works outside of these genres, as well. All submissions should be previously unpublished and sent to our email at leavingslitmag@gmail.com. Please include a bio written in the third person with your submission, anywhere from 50-100 words. We are open to submissions year round and every contributor is paid fifteen dollars per accepted piece. We aim to respond to all submissions within two months, but may take slightly longer to respond at different points throughout the year. 




Submit 3-5 previously unpublished poems for consideration. All poems should be single spaced, unless a different spacing is an integral part of the formatting of the poem, and each poem should begin on a separate page. There are no length requirements to the poems we consider for publication, though please let us know if your submission is an excerpt of a longer piece.




Submit 1-2 pieces of previously unpublished fiction or nonfiction. We are not strict on length requirements, but we prefer pieces that are under 12,000 words. All prose submissions should be double spaced and paginated. 


Photography & Art


Submit 3-5 photographs or pieces of art, along with the titles of each respective piece. When submitting your work, please submit it as a jpeg, jpg, or png., and feel free to inform us of any background information we should know, especially concerning photographs.



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