Holland Park Press

 Full details 

Why publish with Holland Park Press?

Holland Park Press aims to publish manuscripts that make a unique contribution to literature.

We accept literary fiction in the form of a novel, novella, memoir or collection of short stories. We also welcome poetry collections.

Literature is something we define as a work that the author was compelled to write and which provides compelling reading to book buyers.

We expect our authors to have their own unique voice and be able to add something new and lasting to literature.

The work we are looking for is here to stay and we are committed to ongoing book & author specific promotion throughout its lifetime.

We keep our list select so that we can provide promotional activities necessary to reach the full sales potential of your book.

When you are published by us we will do our upmost to prevent that that your book is heavily discounted and we aim to maximise your income.

We encourage you to find out more information about the Holland Park Press publishing deal.

We accept submissions in English and Dutch.

If you have a manuscript that you would like us to consider we would very much like to hear from you.

How to submit your manuscript

To submit a manuscript you have to email it to us. We regret that we cannot process submissions that do not follow the guidelines set out below, so please read these instructions carefully.

Manuscript written in Dutch or English:

  • The manuscript must be attached as a single Microsoft Word file
  • The manuscript font should be 12-point, Times New Roman
  • The Word files has to be named as follows: ddmmyy_firstnamesurname_booktitle.doc, example: 090909_johngloucester_onmybalcony.doc
  • The title of your work must appear in the subject line of the email
  • The body of the email should contain the following information:
  • A short note about why you have written this manuscript and why you think people would like to buy it
  • A list of people, publications and events who would promote your book
  • A short biographical note, including previously published work
  • Your contact details


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