The Pomegranate

 Full details 


 All genres and styles are welcome. 

We publish new, previously unpublished work by UK & international writers. All submissions must feature an artist or an artist's tool, creation or environment in some way. Artists include, but are not limited to: writers, painters, musicians, dancers, performing artists, actors, filmmakers, artistic directors, fashion designers,  sculptors, photographers.

Entries must not have been published, self-published, or featured on any website, blog or online forum. 

Worldwide copyright of each entry remains with the author, however The Pomegranate London holds the rights to publish selected poems, short stories, flash fiction and essays.  

Please inform us immediately if your work will be featured elsewhere. 

Short Fiction 

We invite short story (including flash fiction) submissions all year round.  We will also consider self-contained novel excerpts and work in translation. 

We cannot offer feedback on any work submitted.  

Please send up to three  stories  or excerpts (each no longer than 4,000 words) as separate Word or PDF attachments. 

Highlight in the subject box your submission (e.g. short, flash fiction) and your name. Email your work to


We accept poetry all year around.

Please send up to four poems as a Word or PDF attachment.

Highlight in the subject box your submission (e.g. 3 poems) and your name. Email your work to


We also aim to publish a small number of non-fiction works (no more than 4,000 words) based on the magazine's theme. 

Please indicate in the subject box that it is a non-fiction  submission. 

Email your work to 


All contributors will receive: 

Fiction and nonfiction: £30 per story/essay

Poetry: £30 per poem

Each issue will also select a single poem, story, essay  or artwork to receive £200 

Contributors receive a copy of the issue in which their work is featured (including a discounted rate on further orders). 

Some work published in the magazine may also appear on the website (this will be discussed with the author).



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