Channel Mag

 Full details 

Essay submissions, which will be considered for online publication as well as for our next print issue, are open year-round. We also welcome submissions of visual art, to be featured on the covers of future issues, at any time.

What We Publish
We publish new, previously unpublished work that engages with the natural world. We have a particular interest in work which encourages reflection on human interaction with plant and animal life, landscape and the self. Each issue includes a mix of poetry and fiction, alongside a selection of essays which may include creative non-fiction, criticism, and the occasional review of new creative work or of community-based environmental projects. Although based in Ireland, Channel welcomes international submissions. We also welcome submissions in translation.

Essay –
We accept both completed essay submissions and proposals. Completed essays (including creative non-fiction, reportage, commentary, and criticism) should generally not exceed 6000 words. We ask that you send your essay as a Word document attachment to the above-listed email. If you have a proposal for an essay or an interview, please contact us directly with a brief description of same.

Essay submissions exclusively will be accepted on a rolling basis, regardless of the dates of submissions windows.

As well as accepting essay submissions for print, we welcome submissions for online publication on the Channel blog. Pieces of 1500 words or fewer which explore a particular issue in current events or explicate upon a community-based environmental project are particularly encouraged for blog publication. If we feel that a piece submitted for the magazine would do well online, we may also offer blog publication as well as, or as an alternative to, a place in the upcoming print issue.

Short Stories –
We believe that stories should be free to occupy the space their development requires, and so do not place a strict limit on word count. However, taking into account economy of space within the magazine, as a general rule we encourage stories to not exceed 6000 words. Please send no more than one story per submission window as a Word document attachment.

Poetry –
You may submit up to 4 poems, regardless of length, per submission window. Please include all poems in one Word document, with each new poem starting on a new page. Channel has no limitations on form or style.

Please email all submissions directly to the relevant address, clearly stating your name within the body of your email. Please do not include any identifying information within the attached Word document submission.

We believe in paying writers, and can offer a fee at this time of €40 per poem and €40 per page of prose up to a total maximum fee of €120. Contributors will also receive a copy of whichever issue their work appears within. 

We are also seeking visual art (in any medium) to feature on the covers of our upcoming issues. Please tell us a little about your practice, and submit a sample or samples of your work that you believe could become engaging cover art, at The artist whose work is featured on each cover will receive a fee of €150 along with a copy of the issue.

When a piece is accepted for publication, Channel buys first publication rights. All other rights remain with you and you are welcome to republish your work following the launch of the issue in which it appears. We would be grateful if you mention Channel as the place of first publication.



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