Isele Magazine

 Full details

sele Magazine is seeking submissions of essays, fiction, poetry, art and photography.

We do not accept multiple submissions, but we do consider simultaneous submissions. Please let us know when your work has been accepted for publication elsewhere.

Please do not submit previously published works (by this, we mean any piece that has appeared on the web or in print, including your personal blog). However, we will consider a translated version of the work if the original language wasn’t in English.

You may submit up to 8, 000 words of prose, and your manuscript must be double-spaced, in Times New Roman, size 12. We discourage authors from submitting novel excerpts.

You may submit 6 pages of poetry or one long poem. Please format and submit as a single document.

For art and photography, the images must be in high resolution.

Every submission must be accompanied by a cover letter.

Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.

We will respond to every submission not later than 3 months from date of submission. If you have not heard from us within 3 months, please feel free to send a query to 

Isele Magazine requests first serial rights of your published piece. However, all rights will revert to you following publication. And if your work is republished elsewhere, please indicate that it previously appeared in Isele Magazine.

We pay our contributors a modest token.

Please send your fiction (as Word document attachments) to

Please send you poetry (as Word document attachments) to

Please send your nonfiction (as Word document attachments) to

Please send your arts and photographs (as PNG attachments) to

Got interesting interviews you’d like to pitch to us, or witty and timely responses to trending news stories of the last 48 hours? Send an email to



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